Join Our SL Group

 We have a Second Life Group and you can join it here: The Aristocrat Sisters' Porn Fans

Here, we will send out notices when we post new content on the blog, so people can stay informed and enjoy our adventures even more! 

Our fans can also talk about their favourite scenes and what they would like for us to do next. Any fantasies they have about us and ideas for other stories and photosets. The lewder the better we say! 

Photographers and directors can organise shoots with us and keep the community informed as to what's coming up. 

We could even organise meet ups, get togethers and fan meetings, that could be a lot of fun for sure! 

Please add your self to the group as linked above. Sorry about the entrance fee of $L10  but it is hoped that a joining fee, even of $L10 will help to deter spammers, griefers and bots. 

Please be respectful of others in the group but don't shy away from treating us like the eager little sluts we are. Degrading and objectifying chat kept to those who enjoy that sort of talk, so feel free to call either of us any nasty name you can think of *laughs* but remember, not everyone enjoys that kind of chat. 

Please no spam or soliciting unless previously arranged. We will always be happy to advertise groups, sims, stores, photo pages etc if we feel it is something we can get behind, so please do contact either of us directly if you have something you think we and our group would be interested in. 

All in all, have fun, check out our adventures and stay horny :p

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Wendy: Breeding The Bimbo

 Wendy: Hi guys!  I got the opportunity to work with Ghost and it was a LOT of fun!  Check out some of these pics!   But there is more! Chec...