Thursday, January 11, 2024

Joey: Super Bike Promotion

 Joey: I got a call from my agent to do some promotional modelling work. I was a little dubious about what he wanted me to do. Did I want to be some bimbo sitting on the hood of a car? Was this what I had built my career to do? I wasn't so sure. I mean it's easy money but is it really worthy of my 'skills'? I said I wasn't sure if that was for me, wouldn't they be better hiring some random model to smile and wave? 

He laughed and said "Oh they want a girl who wants to push it a little further than that." This caught my interest, "Go on.." I said curiously. 

He went on to explain that this super bike company was showcasing their new racing road bike and they claimed it as a 'hardcore racing bike', so they anted a release a little more... hardcore. He laughed again as he told me what they had actually said "They want to show case a metaphor between the pure massive muscle of the bike and pitting that against it's 'beauty'. Mashing those together in a hardcore racing machine." I paused for a moment and then laughed "What? They want some muscle bound brute to fuck me on the bike or something?" There was a long pause... "Y..Yeh, e..exactly that." Came the eventual reply as if I my guess was unexpected. "Oh!" I said, my jesting silenced. 

"Who's the 'brute'?" I asked as I nibbled my bottom lip. "Oh Christ knows." laughed my agent "Not that you care who he is but all I know is.. he's a massive body building black behemoth with a dick like a horse! Their words. That is why they contacted me. I offered them Wendy but, she's gone and got her self knocked up.. again! and they were adamant they wanted you, some slut a little more seductive. So here we are.."

"Fuck it, yeh! Sounds .... fun!" I said, giving him my answer. 

"Great and I knew you'd get a kick about being fucked but some brute in front of all the super bike press. Yeh images of you getting nailed will be plastered in every biker magazine from coat to coast. See promo work isn't so bad is it?"

When the day came, I headed to the promo event and met with the organisers. They were pretty happy that I accepted and, as it turns out, were already fans of my work but then I met 'the brute' and holy fuck! My jaw dropped as he stomped into the back stage area and I couldn't say anything for a moment until I said "Y..You want me to fuck... HIM?!!" I watched as he prepared himself for the event, that massive dick swinging between his knees like a damn fallen tree trunk. The organisers took my question as if I was thinking about backing down and started to mentioned signed contracts etc but they stooped mid sentence as I finished my own words; " When do I start?!" 

The arena was packed with press and motor bike enthusiasts alike, all waiting to see this new mean machine. I made my way onto the stage, behind the curtain as the loud music played and mounted the massive racing bike. The huge brute then wandered up behind me, easily straddling the huge racing machine. I pushed my ass up and out and smiled at him over my shoulder. He took no notice of my smile and just gripped his huge cock with one hand and my hip in the other. He guided his cock towards my offered pussy and forced himself inside me. I winced and bit my tongue. We were not meant to give a clue as to what was happening behind the curtain until the bike was revealed but it was so hard to not scream out as that massive black cock was being squeezed into me. It bulged out my belly and I felt it sink in deep. The brute then moved both 'paws' to my shoulders and used his massive strength to shove the remaining few inches even deeper. My jaw dropped and I gasped quietly. Even with the loud music playing, I was sure the spectators would of heard me scream if I was allowed to. 

The bull then started to fuck me. We were supposed to be in full swig by the time the curtain opened so the bull started to put me to work. 

Then the time came. With some loud introductions the bull laughed a little and leant over slightly to growl in my ear "Hold on tight slut! Here we go!" As the curtain raised, his pace quickened in an instant. The curtain lifted and my senses were overwhelmed. The sudden lights lit up the stage, the roar of the crowd, the quick flashing lights of camera flashes and the heavy hard pounding of a monster cock drilling into me, powered by a massive muscular frame was .. incredible! I was now allowed to let myself go and I opened my mouth wide and screamed in pleasure as I was centre stage with all eyes and camera lenses on me, the bull and the bike! 

The metaphor of brute strength fucking beautiful design was certainly met. The voice over the speaker system gave out it's marketing speech .. "And it'll just keep on going, power after power, never stopping....!" He wasn't kidding! Even as the bull shoved forward hard, pumping my insides full of thick, sticky bull semen. He paused for a moment as he pumped his jizz into my unprotected uterus and then, just kept on going as hard as he did prior. 

The promo went on for a good couple of hours before the bull pulled out of me and we left the stage. My belly full of thick cum and we left the bike on it's own for further promo shots, just without a slut being nailed on it. 

The bull slapped my ass back stage and grinned "Good job Slut! Been a fan for a while, glad I got to take ya for a test drive myself." I smiled back as I felt his slap sting my ass cheek. "It was my pleasure Sir." I coo'd as his cum dribbled down my inner thighs. 

I'm going to have to get this bull's agent's name for sure. I can think of a few shoots I could do with him! 

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 Wendy: Hi guys!  I got the opportunity to work with Ghost and it was a LOT of fun!  Check out some of these pics!   But there is more! Chec...