Saturday, February 10, 2024

Joey: Weekly Regulars

 Joey: You all know by now that my pussy is full access to any well hung black bull that wants to put me to use. You have all heard about many of my exploits as I wander the streets and some Bull decides to exercise his rights and pump a few bolts of unknown cum into me. You have all seen many of my porn shoots or snaps from my escorting but I don't always work, neither am I always wandering the streets and ghettos advertising my self. I have a life of my own you know *laughs*. 

During the week I have chores to do, places to go, you know, normal stuff. However, my purpose never changes. I still don't deny any black bull his rights to me, even if I am just running chores. So what about those interactions? Well I'm about to show you. On a weekly basis I have regular bulls who I come into contact with and they are no different. They too get to use me at will. So let's check out some of my 'weekly regulars'...

We recently moved into an amazing new Villa and we found that the pool filter had broken down so we had to get a pool maintenance guy to fix it.  That is a story in itself but it made me realise that I didn't have the skills to maintain our new property. So I hired a maintenance man to look after the property. He cleans the pool and the filter, does the gardening, and general maintenance. I pay him a good wage but, he also happens to be a very strong black bull. It took him one day of work to figure out that I was a BBC cum dump! Now, he comes in and maintains my villa twice a week and once his shift his done he puts me to work! Without thinking twice, he exercises his right, fucks me as I should be fucked and gathers his tools and leaves me with a pussy full of thick, sticky jizz. 

 Early mornings is another fun part of the day. I like to be up early, grab a cup of coffee and get the day started. I may have emails to send or calls to make so I like to start the day. Wendy often sleeps in but occasionally she's up early too, depending on what she has going for the day. 

She also likes to try to beat me to my next weekly regular and I can't say I blame her. Up to four times a week the postman delivers the mail or parcels to us and he always makes time for a break from his rounds. He knocks the door and one of us answers and he saunters inside as if he owns the place. He knows full well what his rights are and he puts either me, my  sister or both of us to work! So before the day has even got fully rolling, I end up with a pussy full of cum! 

The number of times a week he pumps me depends on our schedule and whether he wants Wendy, Myself or both of us to serve him but on average, the postie will pound me three times a week. 

Much like with my new Villa, I'm at a loss when it comes to car maintenance. I know enough to get by but would rather a professional deal with my black beauty. Twice a week I drive to a local gas station and let the gas station attendant deal with my topless Porsche. 

He'll wash the windshield, check my oil and water, pump gas and then, he pumps me! I'll return from paying the bill and before I can fully open my door, the attendant is behind me, grabbing my hip and shoulder, lifting my dress and guiding his big black cock into my public pussy. He knows I'll never deny his advances and fucks me with barely a word. He cums deep into me, slaps my ass and saunters back into the garage, zipping up his overalls as I ease myself into my car and drive off to continue my day. 

The gas station attendant will take me at least twice a week and he knows very well how to use a QoS! 

In order to keep my porn career going, I have to make sure my body is at peak perfection. I have to look good for the camera and for anyone wishing to use my services. So I have enrolled at a gym to stay fit. I also hired a personal trainer with the direction to keep my body in tip top pornstar condition. 

I visit the gym three or four times a week. Now, I'm not going to count the gym bulls that may or may not be working out at the same time as me as they often make me part of their work out as well. They are not really my regulars as they may or may not be present at the time of my work out, however, my personal trainer is a regular. 

Twice a week he meets me to keep track of my fitness regime. He checks to see if I may need to work on other areas of my body and generally keeps me motivated and on track with my gym work outs.  However, a very important part of my work out that he has scheduled into my fitness program are 'pussy exercises'! He is a very dedicated personal trainer and wants to make sure my pussy is in tip top condition for Big Black Cock. I feel that's just an excuse to squeeze his huge monster cock into me and bang me like a bent nail but I am certainly not going to complain. 

So twice a week this muscular bull pumps my uterus full of his thick, creamy protein! 

I am usually pretty busy during the week and often get my shopping delivered in the evening, however once or twice a week I have to pop to the local store to pick up a few things. My sister and I go through quite a few pregnancy tests, for example *laughs* but the usual quick groceries like milk, a few eggs and such, maybe some ice cream for a treat because we been such good girls. 

My next regular bull is Gerald. Yeh I know I don't often know the names of the bulls that use me but Gerald wears a name tag so it's pretty easy to know his name. He's younger than most of the bulls that use me, he has just finished high school. He works at the local store to save money for college. He's very smart and I have no doubt that he will do well for himself. Ok so, I also sponsor him, full disclosure. I like to see a ghetto bull work his way through college and do well for himself so at least once a week I will pop into the store, grab a few things and also throw him some money to help his cause. He's a good kid and I hope to gets what he wants from his life. 

That being said, he is of age to know what exactly what a QoS is for. He maybe a humble shop assistant for now and he's also very grateful for my sponsorship but he also has no qualms with fucking me up against the ice cream freezer!  Oh he is gonna make so many white girls so happy in college that's for sure. Maybe turn a few into Queens. What a cock! 

On average, Gerald will pump his warm cream into me as my back is pressed against the cold ice cream freezer once a week. 

I have already explained how I go to the gym to keep myself in shape for BBC and porn but I can't be fully healthy every day! 

Once a week, I'll pig out on Pizza. Whoever is home too will also join me in this naughty little secret and we'll settle in and watch a good movie as we stuff our faces. I know my personal trainer will help me work off the calories so once a week is fine, right? 

I found a local pizzeria  who's delivery guy is a well hung bull and, once a week, he'll ride his scooter up to our villa and drop off a nice big pizza! I will admit, he took a little longer than most of my weekly regulars to realise my pussy was public use, to the point I had to answer the door naked before he got the hint. After the first time he bent me over his scooter and showed what the term 'stuffed crust' really meant, he explained that he thought fucking the pizza delivery guy was only something that happened in my movies. "Not if your a big black bull it isnt." I laughed. 

He then demanded that whenever he delivers a pizza that I answer the door fully naked and ready to take that extra salami. 

Once a week my regular pizza delivery guy gives ME a tip, as well as the rest of the length. 

My last weekly regular is a personal favourite. Sure, he has a huge black cock but no bigger than any of the others and no, he's not exceptionally hansom or muscled and nor is he the best fuck I have had. So why is he one of my favourites you ask? Let me explain! 

Before I continue I have to also explain that I'm not religious. I wont go into any further depth other than to say I don't believe in any of it. So why, every Sunday, do I make my way to the local church? Well, firstly I don't sit through the yawn fest that is Sunday sermon. I just wait until it's over and then make my way inside to meet the priest. I dress fairly conservatively but I still get disapproving looks from the church goers as they are coming out and maybe a few grins from the men as my 'church' dresses  still expose a little more than would be proper in such a place. There is the first clue as to why this particular regular is a favourite of mine. The looks of disapproval and disgust, the sly comments under the congregation members breath start to send a delighted shiver down my spine as I proudly saunter into the church. 

I may not be religious and do not attend the sermons but the local church does do a lot for local charities and I do like to try to give something back to the community, other than free use of my body that is *winks*. I sit on the hard bench waiting for the priest to finish up. He'll close the main doors and see me waiting for him. He'll motion me towards the pulpit and I follow to the front of the church. He knows why I am there and I offer him my weekly contribution to the church's charities. 

"Have you been a good God fearing woman this week Miss Aristocrat?" He'll ask and every week my answer is the same "No Father I have not!"

Every week he tries to convert me, tries to turn me into a good 'Christian Woman' whatever THAT is but he knows full well I'll never turn. I hand him my donation and he'll go on with his speech about how, even if I am full of Sin, God thanks me for my donation and loves me.. yadda yadda yadda! but.. and here is the part that makes Sundays one of my favourite days... the priest informs me that I am sinful, and will be punished. He takes out his long black cock and watches my reaction. Every week, my smile grows and my eyes sparkle as he removes his big black cock from his pants. 

He tells me that, due to my reaction, he can see the devil is still inside me. Well pretty soon it isnt just the Devil that ends up inside me! That big black cock of his soon joins the devil and the priest tries to fuck the evil out of me. The whole time berating me, calling me the Devil's whore. He growls in my ear as he forces himself in deeper, fucks me harder and harder. He claims I must repent or forever be a Demon's Jessabelle. The monster's slut. Oh .. My.. GOD! 

You all know I love to be degraded and objectified and no one does that better than an over zealous, angry priest trying to fuck the evil outta me! He angrily preaches his sermon for one to me as he pounds my hungry little pussy, asking how many men I have lain with that week, how much demon seed have I had poured inside me and it infuriates him further when I tell him I have lost count! 

He barks that I am damaged goods, only good to worship demon dick and I will burn for eternity as the demon's cock slave!... Well you get the idea! I love the hypocrisy of the church. The priest telling me how worthless and evil I am for all the unwed sex I have with complete strangers, all the while his own cock buried deep in my stretched out white pussy. He makes me cum so damn hard every damn week and leaves me with, as he claims, purified semen, inside me. Apparently, his seed can purify my womb from all the evil I have allowed within it. 

"Give me a child Father! I have been nothing but a devil whore, purify me!" I scream! 

Eventually, I leave the church, looking forward to next weeks hate fuck. I leave him my donation and he leaves me his! 

So there you are! Seven weekly regular Bulls fuck me TWELVE times a week, on average. It's a wonder I find time to fuck anyone else! 

I hope you enjoyed this little delve into my private life and remember, if you see me on the street, loitering on some street corner, you got to get up pretty early to be the first load of cum in my belly! 

See you soon sexies! 

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