Saturday, February 1, 2025

Joey & Wendy: Honouring the Black Breeders

 Joey: Another month, another fun post from us. This time myself and my sister, Wendy, are going to be involved in this little adventure!

As you may know, the two of us are happy breeders and nothing makes us happier than breeding black! So any big black bull that decides to put us to good use, is more than welcome to pump his future offspring into our bellies.

You may be wondering what happens once we give birth to our fresh black babies. Well fear not, we certainly don’t track the father down and trap him with the responsibility of fatherhood. No way! Those big black bulls have bigger things to worry about that to help raise a child and have better things to spend their money on than child support! However, we do feel our obligation to further the black population is very important. Besides, tracking down any father would be extremely difficult as, most of the time we literally have no idea who knocked us up!

So you may be thinking we both have multiple little sprogletts running around at home. Good Lord no! We’re breeders NOT mothers. Can you imagine?! *laughs*

So what happens?

We are both part of a number of breeding programs and the one we’ll be talking about today is the ‘Black Breeders’ breeding program. You see, the world is just full of people who want to start a family but are unable to; that is where we come in. Once the future black offspring leaves our bellies, the fresh faced babies are handed to those loving couples and given a very good home and the best possible start in life. So you see, we are not only helping to increase the Black population but also providing a much needed service.

The Black Breeders breeding program is financed by many wealthy donors with their obvious agenda to increase the black population. The politics behind it not our concern, as long as multiple big black bulls keep knocking us up, who are we to ask questions?

You may have seen our Christmas post where Vanessa’s grandfather filled both our bellies and, for both of us, that was Black Baby number 5!

The Black Breeders were impressed with our devotion to the cause and decided to put a ceremony together in our honour. We didn’t mention that their politics or agenda is not really our driving motivation, having black bulls swell our bellies is motivation enough but hey! A fancy evening to honour us? Why not right?

A few days before the event a team of lawyers visited our villa and came with a briefcase of documents to sign.

“I.. I Don’t understand any of this!” Wendy stuttered as she struggled to read the legal jargon on the pages.

I laughed and nodded. Having trained as a lawyer myself, I knew exactly what these pages meant;

“These are NDAs Sis…” I informed her but that left her only more confused.

I rolled my eyes and excused her ignorance to the team of lawyers sat on our couch. “Non Disclosure Agreements. Yeh? It means you can not disclose certain aspects of the evening.” I explained, reading the documentation.

“It seems many of the people who will be in attendance will be people of high standing in society.”I cocked a brow as I read on, putting the words of the agreements into basic terms for my Bimbo Brained Sister to understand.

“Wow!” I exclaimed “It seems there may be politicians, lawmakers, public servants, sports players, musicians and other members of the entertainment industry in attendance, you know like movie stars, rappers and such.”

Wendy started to grin brightly and I could see her eyes light up “What? All these important people to honour us?!”

“Seems like it!” I replied and smiled at my sister “Although it seems there may be more than just speeches at this party!” I laughed and flashed her a playful wink. Her jaw dropped and eyes widened even further! Ok so THAT hint she understood! The only thing she really understands is sex!

“So I can’t tell anyone who was there?” She asked and I looked up and glared at her over the top of my glasses.

“No! Absolutely not!” I snapped “That’s why we have to sign these!”

“Aww like I can’t tell Sally if some famous rapper….”

“NO!” I snapped cutting her off mid sentence. She seemed a little surprised by my assertive tone.

“But, but you were a lawyer right? What’s the worst that could happen?”

I looked over at the team of very expensive lawyers as they all snapped to look at my sister. I gave them a reassuring look to say I would explain it fully to my ignorant sister.

“Look Wendy.” I explained firmly “these guys here are, no offense fellas, not the program’s ‘best’ lawyers, these guys here just serve these papers and make sure we sign them ok?”

Wendy listened intently and she nodded, casting a quick look at the guys on the couch.

I continued “And even these guys went to better law schools than I did! Every person who will be in attendance will have a team of incredibly expensive lawyers on retainer. If you so much as even THINK about telling anyone who was in attendance at the party an entire city’s worth of expensive lawyers will descend upon you and sue you so hard your great, great, GREAT, Grandchildren will be paying off the fines and there is no way in hell I can stand against that!”

Wendy seemed incredibly shocked at the honesty and the team of lawyers on the couch nodded slowly in unison.

“I.. I see!” She said

“It seems you can openly advertise that we were in attendance and what the event was but any mention or even hint of who was in attendance will result in …” I continue to read and just said “Well let’s just say it would be a VERY bad idea!”

Anyway, the rest of the visit we explained further to my sister what these NDAs meant for us. It seemed that there were advertisement opportunities. After all the Black Breeders breeding program did want to advertise their program to the outside world. Therefore, some pictures would be taken by their in house photographer and sent to us for publication after they have been internally approved.

With that, we signed the documentation and started to look for dresses to wear for the evening.


The night of the event came and despite the threat of the NDAs hanging over our heads, we were excited to get involved.

We arrived at the event and were introduced into the hall and it was full to the brim with big black bulls. I spotted many famous faces in the crowd. I was very surprised to see so many politicians, lawmakers and public servants, all eyeing us lewdly and hungrily. Sports personalities, actors and musicians too filled the crowd and, I have to admit, the lawyers were not underestimating the type of men that would be in attendance.

Needless to say, we were about to be honoured by some very rich, very famous and very powerful black men!

We spent the first hour or so of the event mingling with the crowd. Introducing ourselves and meeting the donors until we were invited onto the stage:

“Gentlemen, gentlemen!” Said the host “Settle down. We all know why we are here; to honour these too devoted black breeders.” We stepped close to the host and he put his arms around us to present us to the audience.

“You have all been personally introduced to the beautiful Joey and Wendy Aristocrat and I have noticed many of you enjoying a good old fashioned groping of these two beautiful breeders, am I right?”  The audience laughed and cheered as they had indeed, been very free with where their hands wandered. Not that we complained.

“Joey and Wendy have been busy furthering our agenda and at present, both girls have brought five fresh faced black babies into this world.. EACH!” The audience applauded. “And they both proudly show off their baby tallies. Each girl is going to be honoured tonight by becoming ‘bronze breeders’!”

The host showed us off and we proudly stood beside him accepting our awards. He announced our achievements and we both thanked the Black Breeding program for the opportunity to contribute to the program. However, our time stood beside the host, listening to our achievements soon came to an end.

“Now gentlemen…” He announced; “It’s that part of the evening where we get these ladies out of their beautiful dresses and onto the beds either side of the stage…”

We both looked up at the host and grinned broadly.

“Tell me girls are you fertile at the moment?”

We both nodded enthusiastically and the audience applauded again “Well gentlemen, what better way to honour these girls hitting the landmark of five pregnancies than popping a sixth into their bellies?”  I could see Wendy wiggle with excitement, eager to get on the stage bed and have some famous sports star or rapper knock her up.

“Let’s not hold up the festivities any longer but remember Gentlemen, you’ll all get the opportunity to knock up these beauties so no shoving ok?” The audience laughed again and we were led off the main stage.

I have to admit, these wealthy donors were very orderly too. Sometimes in our mass gangbangs, the men get a little frisky and far too eager so it is sometimes difficult to keep the participants orderly. However, being kept busy is half the fun for such events.

This particular orgy, however, was very orderly; I slipped out of my light evening gown as I was approached by two large black bulls. For obvious reasons, I can’t say who they were but needless to say, I certainly recognised them! I could not believe it, these two famous men were guiding me onto the bed and one eased his huge black cock up my tight little ass while the second celebrity clambered on top of me and started to ease his huge black dick into my eager little pussy…. This was going to be a fun evening for sure!

My first two celebrity bulls didn’t take long to get a rhythm going; fucking both my tight holes with their long, thick black cocks. All while the rest of the audience watched on. A few lined up just off the stage waiting their turn as the program’s photographer snapped a few shots of the action.

I was stuffed full of thick black famous dick and soon the first ropes of celebrity spunk splattered my insides. I felt their cocks twitch and swell inside me as thick ropes of bull cum flooded my ass and uterus. Two down.. lets go!!!!

Wendy: Hi y’all! Wendy here!

Bet you thought I was going to let my big sis explain everything huh? Well she was pretty good at explaining the start of the evening but during the orgy, she was a little busy to notice, or even care what I was doing.

However, I was not being lazy! A couple of huge NFL football players helped me out of my slinky dress. I instantly recognised them and was super excited as they played for the ************! Wait what.. what was those stars for???

Joey: You can’t say what team they play for you bubble brained idiot!

Wendy: Whoops! My Bad! Anyway, I had seen these guys play and I couldn’t believe these guys were about to fuck me!

The first football bull lifted me up onto him and I straddled his lap as he eased his huge black cock into my eager little cunny. I almost came instantly as his long, thick dick stretched me out and drilled deep into my belly.

However, I didn’t get much time to enjoy the moment as the second football player grabbed my shoulder and aimed his massive dick at my ass! I looked over my shoulder at him and gave him a playful, teasing smile “Comon ********* DP Me!” Oh oops I said his name didn’t i?! OH nooo!

Joey: *sighs* no problem, luckily I’m editing this for you. I swear If it wasn’t for me you would have been in so much trouble long ago!

Wendy: Thankyou sis, I appreciate it! *giggles*

The two quarterbacks stretched my holes so wide and I felt so full as both dicks bulged my belly. ******** gripped my chin..

Joey: WENDY!!!! QUIT IT!!!

Wendy: Oh crap! I’m so bad at keeping secrets!

 Ok ok.. I better just round this up quickly because my sister is getting pretty annoyed with me!

Anyway, these two guys fucked me perfectly on the stage bed. I could hear my sister moaning loudly on the bed on the other side of the stage and soon I too was making those loud, erotic noises that you all enjoy hearing me make.

Not too long later, the two guys pushed in hard and deep and a thick stream of spunk flooded me. Ok Joey, I think I’ll stop here, I.. I am a little scared of  more stars!!

Joey: Fair enough. Lucky I am here to stop you from publishing anything that could get you sued!

After a full, eventful and very busy evening; I think every donor in attendance got to fuck one or both of us. Some of these guys were a little older than some and not as energetic but they didn’t let their donations go to waste and pumped a good load of jizz, deep into us.

We posed for a ‘sticky’ pic to commemorate the evening and the awards we received and with that, the evening’s festivities were complete.

Sometime later, we both tested positive and were proudly carrying some celebrity’s offspring. The father could have been anyone that evening, from judges, politicians to sportsmen and actors, we had no idea who the father was but it didn’t matter in the slightest!

We didn’t care who the father was only that our bellies were once again full with another black baby!

We got our latest baby tally once we started showing and even got the black breeder’s bronze breeding award added to our collar bones.

“Bronze?” Wendy grumbled and I tilted a brow as we loitered on some street corner waiting for our latest ‘John’.

“What of it?” I asked with a quizzical brow, watching potential client’s drive by.

“Bronze is like, the lowest award right?” She continued.

“Yeh.!” I nodded, not seeing the problem “You want silver? You got push out another 5, gold, 5 more. You see how that works?” I teased her.

She giggled and rubbed her belly as she felt the latest ‘tenant’ of her womb kick and shift “Well we’re one closer to silver I guess.”

“Don’t complain” I added with a smile “Just means we got plenty more black cocks to ride right?”

With that, Wendy beamed a bright excited smile and nodded enthusiastically.

“Y..You two whores available?” Came a voice from a kerb crawling car, drawing our attention away from our conversation.

“Yes sir… you want some company tonight sweetie?.........”

Thanks again for all your support and I hope you enjoyed this latest adventure. But before you run off, we have a couple of extra treats for you. First of all, please enjoy this internal shot of Wendy and myself, working the streets while carrying the next generation of bulls.

One last treat for you all, just to show our appreciation; I hope you enjoy this AI generated movie of us from after the Honour event and while we work the streets. AI movie making is kinda fun, if a little random. Can produce some fun results and I took the best results and edited them together. Hope you have a wonderful month and we’ll see you soon!


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Joey - Earth 2, Part 3 - The Sauna

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