Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wendy & Joey: The Biker Bar

 Joey: My Sister and I watched some biker movie the night before and I thought it might be fun to take my little sis to a proper Biker Bar. She seemed pretty excited and we both hoped there were a bunch of big old mean biker guys waiting to meet us. 

We found a run down bar some miles out of town with a bunch of bikes parked outside, "Think this one will do huh?" I said, turning to my sister with a grin. She beamed a bright smile and we hopped out of my car. We strode up the porch and could hear the rowdiness from outside. One last look over my shoulder at my sister and I could see she was eager to get inside, so I pushed open the door.....

I strode in with my blonde bimbo of a sister in tow and the bar suddenly silenced as everyone turned to watch us. The bar was mostly full of big old bikers with a handful of biker chicks but it was the men who pipped up. Whistles and cat calls, mixed with "What pretty lil' things do we have here?" made us both smile and shudder with delight. 

We sauntered through the crowd, eyes all over us a few gropes here and there but we took it all in our stride. Wendy was loving it, she'd let out a little squeal and a giggle every time one of the bikers groped her and she just skipped along behind me, those plump tits bouncing temptingly. 

We found a table and we met but an experienced barmaid. She eyed us up a little with a scowl on her face. "Think you may be in the wrong place missy" She said to me. 

"Oh? Why do you say that?" I asked, looking around at all the bikers still eyeing us up and chatting with each other along with pointing and jeering. 

"You may like the boys back in the city but these are here are men and a couple of pretty little things like you could be in reeeeeeaaaal trouble." She seemed to be warning us, which we only took as a good sign! 

"Oh we can handle men, believe me." She rolled her eyes and sighed. She then looked over my shoulder and nodded in the direction of a couple of large, rough bikers heading our way. "Well, looks like we'll find out. I'll bring a few beers, keep you .. lubricated." and she wandered off. 

I then felt a rough, work hardened hand on my hip and a large body pressed against me from behind. I looked over at Wendy and she got her own attention; another biker strode up behind her and planted a large hand on her plump ass. 

The put a couple of drink of the table behind us and pushed themselves us against us. "Now, what's a pretty pair like you doing coming up in our bar?" 

"Looking for a little fun.. Sir." I replied, flashing him a sultry side smile. 

"Oh we're gonna have fun alright, every guy in this bar is gonna have fun with you two!" He growled in a menacing tone. I think he may have been expecting us to feel afraid at that comment. Instead I turned to Wendy, "You hear that? Every guy in this bar... This is gonna be a night to remember sis!" 

The bikers looked at each other and grinned as Wendy giggled and replied "Oh I knew it was going to be fun here!" 

These guys didn't lie to us either; the bikers of the bar wanted a good old fashioned train and we were not going to disappoint. They pulled down our bikini tops to expose our breasts to the whole bar, I flashed a sultry smirk and Wendy gave a playful giggle as she wiggled her chest, allowing her tits to jiggle delightfully. I think at that point, every biker in the bar knew it was game on!

They bent us over the bar table and hitched up our skirts; "No underwear, seems these sluts knew what they wanted!" they laughed as they unzipped their flies and within seconds, long, thick, veiny biker cock was being squeezed into both of us. We looked at each other over the table and smiled...

That night, every biker in the bar got a turn on us, many more than once. We were a mess of moans, squeals and shudders as the bar was alive with the sounds of sex and cheers. The bikers pumped our pussies full of thick biker cum. The pulled our hair, gripped our throats, groped our curves and hammered us to climax after climax and all without a single introduction. 

No sooner had one biker emptied himself into one of us was another stood, cock in hand waiting and as soon as one thick cock was pulled out another was driven in, again and again and again. We never had to buy ourselves a single drink the whole night. 

That was a night to remember. So much so the bar owner, one particularly large, rough ex-biker, took some pictures of us as we were being slammed over the bar table with his old polaroid camera and, once he had taken his turn on each of us, pinned them behind the bar along with a few pictures of other memorable nights. 

There we were, immortalized in polaroid; tits exposed, skirts hitched up, a nameless biker hammering away from behind and our best cum faces on, hanging behind the bar for all to see. A story they will tell for years to come, or, at least, until we come back for another visit. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Joey: A Night in with Friends

 Joey: It was Saturday afternoon and I thought I would pop over to my friend Bree's place for a cup of coffee and to hang out. I threw on something comfortable and headed over. I also thought I'd take her husband a signed copy of my latest DVD, I know they both enjoy watching my movies, so thought, why not? 

I arrived and rung the bell. Leon, Bree's husband answered. Seemed he was having a lazy day himself, just wearing sweat pants and a vest. He was a nice man, always polite and friendly, Bree had found her self a good one there and they were both very happy. 

"Oh Hey Joey, what's on?" Leon asked with a smile. 

"Not a lot" I smiled back "Thought Id pop round for a visit with Bree." 

"Come in, come in." He said, standing to one side to let me in "She's been out shopping but is due home anytime now. Can I get you anything, Soda? Juice? Got some cold orange juice in the fridge." 

I accepted the juice and we moved into the living room. 

"I'm just watching the end of the game, come join me if you like, Bree shouldn't be too long." Leon offered and we moved into the living room. 

We sat down and I offered him the DVD, "Thought you might like a signed copy of my latest DVD, I ended up getting a few for promotional stuff" I handed him the DVD and he took it, happily. 

"Oh wow, thank you, that's awesome!" He said, eyeing the box cover, a fully nude image of me spread wide on it. "Airtight Aristocrat 2, sweet!" 

I smiled and nodded "You're welcome." 

He dropped himself back into the couch to watch the end of the game and I sat down beside him to wait for Bree. I watched the game for a bit, sports is not really my thing but Leon enjoyed them, he wasn't talking as he was watching intently and I will admit, I kinda got a bit bored. 

"Say, ah, Leon, sports isn't really my thing...." I started to say

"Oh you want me to turn over? It's nearly finished honestly..." He cut me off, while continuing to keep his eyes on the screen. This is what I liked about him, even though he enjoyed the sports, he would of still turned it over had I asked him to but I had no intention of denying a man his sports! 

"No that wasn't what I was going to ask." I laughed "It's just, I'm not a sports fan so do you mind if I suck your cock?" 

His head snapped to face me as if he was unsure of what I just asked. 

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"You mind if I suck your cock? The game is a little dull for me, so, you mind?" I asked, with a smile as if I had just asked for another juice or something. 

He looked at me for a couple of seconds and smiled "Um, sure, go right ahead!" He chuckled.

"Thanks!" I said, readjusting myself to lay across his lap "Just watch the game, don't worry about me." I said as I eased down his sweat pants and pulled out his thick cock. I licked my lips eagerly and started to run my tongue up and down his length before easing my plump ruby lips over the tip. I started to suck on him as if I was sucking on candy. I was in no rush, was just enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon, idly sucking my friend's husband's cock while he watched sports. 

About half an hour later, we heard the door open and close and a shout from the hallway. "Hey honey I'm home. Is that Joey's car outside? She here?" 

"Yeh babe, she's in the lounge with me." Leon replied and Bree skipped in. She got the to doorway and started to greet me;

"Hey Jo..... oh!" She then noticed me laid across her husband's lap, his cock slipping slowly in and out of my mouth. She put down her shopping bags and shook her head laughing. "Hi Joey!" 

I turned my eyes to look at her and curled the corner of my lips into a smile. I raised my hand to wave and offered her a muffled "hello" as I didn't remove Leon's cock from my mouth. 

"How long she been here?" Bree asked Leon, who was now flipping through the channels on the TV as his game had finished. "'bout half an hour, she bought over her latest movie, signed and everything." He said casually. 

"Oh sweet!" Bree exclaimed "and how long has she been stuck on your dick?" 

Leon laughed "'bout half an hour.."

Bree kicked off her shoes and hopped up on the couch, the other side of her husband. She snuggled in against him and cast a look over to me, idly slurping and sucking her husband's cock without a care in the world. 

"I am actually kinda surprised.." She said to Leon, looking up at him form her cuddly position.

"Oh?" He said turning away from his channel surfing. 

"Yeh, Kinda surprised you haven't actually fucked her yet." She said with a shrug. 

He tilted his head and shrugged a reply "eh, sure I'll get around to it one day. Oh hey look! It's that show I been telling you about." 

They both looked at the screen and started to watch this show, all the while I enjoying idly sucking a big tasty cock. 

We lazed on the couch for a few hours, watching the show. The happy couple chatted about each other's day and all kinds of things, apparently Bree had bought some sexy new shoes! 

I was in no hurry to make Leon cum, I was enjoying his cock and the taste of the pre that dribbled out but it was inevitable; He started to grunt and groan quietly and half closed his eyes but not taking them from the television set. His hips started to twitch slightly and Bree looked down at me, her husband's dick shoved in my mouth "Oh here it comes." She laughed and turned back the to the TV.

Leon's cum pumped into my mouth as his cock twitched and I happily swallowed it down, hmm he did have a delicious dick! I made sure not to spill a drop and cleaned up after myself. licking him clean before tucking him back into his sweat pants. After a couple of hours or so of idle dick sucking, I pulled myself up straight onto the couch "Thanks for that Leon!" I said with a smile

"Oh, No problem." He grinned. 

Bree turned her head to look at me "Oh there you are! " she teased and we both laughed a little. "Oh hey thanks for the DVD, we'll watch that later...."

I stayed for about an hour more, had another drink and a chat with them both before I headed home. Such a great couple, I always enjoy hanging out with them, even if we are just having a lazy Saturday afternoon in front of the television. 


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wendy & Joey: Fan Letter Competition

 Joey: Hi all! This isn't a photoset but a competition! That's right, it's competition time! 

Wendy: Ohhh fun! What do people have to do?

Joey: Well, my eager little sister, it's pretty simple really; write us a letter (SL Notecard) in the guise of fan mail. 

Wendy: Oh sounds simple enough!

Joey: Fairly but we are after something quite specific. Write us a filthy fan letter!

Wendy: Ohhh that does sound fun!!!!

Joey: I hope so. We ask you write lewd, degrading and objectifying letters. Tell us what you like about us and our work, what you think of us and what you'd like to do to us! That's the fun part. Be as lewd as you like, the more degrading the better! Use filthy names for us and let your fantasies fly! Keep the characters in your 'fantasies' just your chosen Sister and yourself, we'd love to know what lewd things you'd do to us if you ever got your hands on one of us. *grins* 

Wendy: So they can write about.. anything??

Joey: Well, we'd like to publish the best so please keep your fantasies to just sexual encounters; no snuff, vore or dolcett, THOSE can be saved for another time *laughs* 

Wendy: So they can be as perverted as they like?

Joey: Oh most defiantly! 

Wendy: Can they add pics to their note cards?

Joey: YES! Send pics of your avatar, 'parts' of your avatar and even toys and equipment you'd like to use on us. Anything that would make your fan letter the filthiest and most perverted!

Wendy: How do they send these letters to us?

Joey: Write your letter in a Second Life Notecard and title it "Fan letter to Wendy" or "Fan Letter to Joey" depending on which one of us you are writing to and drop it to us in world. Either myself (Joey Aristocrat (Tanukiii Resident)) or Wendy (Wendy Aristocrat).

Wendy: Yay fan mail! *squeeee!* So who is this open to?

Joey: Anyone! Men, Women (toys can be used you know), Furries, Anthro, Herm, Futa, Black, White, Monsters, as long as the species is sentient and can talk, it's all fair game (so no ferals) 

Wendy: So we judge the best but what do the winners get?

Joey: They get to live out the fantasy in their letter!

Wendy: No way?!

Joey: Yes way! We will set up a photoshoot with the winners and they will star in a porn shoot with us. We can also do some roleplay if that is what they'd like but we'd love to put the photosets up on our blog.

Wendy: Soooo, it's 'Fuck A Fan"?

Joey: Essentially yes! I am also looking at making a specific title in our group for those people and even gonna make a pin, maybe with something like "I Fucked Joey" on it or something. Could be fun! 

Wendy: *laughs and bounces with excitement* Oh wow that sounds super fun! 

Joey: That is the intention. So please, join our SL group "The Aristocrat Sisters' Porn Fans" and bookmark this blog for updates. 

Wendy: I'm so excited! 

Joey: Me too! So get writing and come get us!!!!

Joey & Wendy: Deer Hunting!

 New story in "Sisters In Peril" the "NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED"  section.

Deer hunting is a story of a hunter going after a couple of trophy Deer. 


This story and photo set is NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED

it depicts scenes of a somewhat dark nature and should NOT be viewed by, well

anyone really!!!

If you enjoy such subject matter then proceed but if you do not, then DO NOT CLICK THE LINK!

The story and pictures are all fantasy and should be treated as such

and are intended to be very 'tongue in cheek' 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Wendy: The Building Site

 Wendy: It was midday and I had just finished another shoot; It was fun, I mean, they all are really, but nothing to get overly excited about. Just a standard MF 'stepdaughter' sort, interracial, of course! *giggles* After I had cleaned up, spent a little time with the crew and flirting with my male co-star, it was time to leave. I was still pretty horny as I skipped down the street towards my car, I could of done with a harder shoot, a couple more dicks to play with would of been nice but still. Whatever the contract says, right? 

My car was parked around the corner and I skipped along, my heels tapping on the concrete sidewalk and my little short skirt fluttering around my thighs. There was a building site on my route and I had to step off the sidewalk to get around some scaffolding but before I even got that far, I noticed a Black Bull leaning against the wall at the entrance of the site.  He was clearly on break and as the sound of my heels on the sidewalk grew louder, her turned his head and noticed me. He seemed to perk up and smiled, I returned the smile with a bright, bubbly pink one of my own and continued to skip towards the site entrance.

The leaning Bull turned to look into the site and shouted "'Ere boys! check out this fine piece of white ass!" I couldn't help but beam proudly and skip closer to the site entrance. That's when the other two Bulls noticed me as they came wandering towards the sidewalk. "Fuck! Daymn!" One hollered at me, "aint you just fine!" "Sheeeeeet! Look like ya know how to take a dick honey!" The other shouted "Why don't ya come over and show us boys what ya can do!" I giggled playfully, they had no idea! I couldn't help but slow right down and give them a good look, it was so hot, I could almost feel their lewd gaze burning into me as they admired my soft, pale skin and tempting curves. "Yo, little Barbie, where yo headed?" The first bull called as I heard a wolf whistle from behind. 

That's when I stopped and turned my head to face him. My bright baby blues twinkling and a bright smile on my plump pink lips "Oh just headed home, Sir." I said sweetly "Oh yeh?" he replied "why not come have some fun 'ere with me and my boys, huh?" I beamed brightly and giggled, fluttering my lashes. His eyes wandered over me openly as he stroked his bearded chin. "Oh I dunno Sir!" I said playfully "Wouldn't want to get you in trouble." I cooed softly, swaying my hips.

Before he even replied, the other two builder Bulls had reached me and started to surround me, eyeing me all over, I was perfectly surround as the first Bull approached and started to guide me into the site "Boss man aint 'ere, c'mon, meet the boys." He smirked, as I stepped into the building site. 

I giggled and asked, girlishly "Isn't it dangerous?" as they started to grab and fondle me. "For a little thing like you?.... Most probably!" He laughed and my boobs jiggled as I giggled in reply. One Bull grabbed me by the shoulder and eased a gloved finger into my pretty pink bra top, revealing one of my pretty pink nipples. "Aww man, look at these tits, fuck! Girlie got some plump ass titties fo sho!" He made a sound of sucking air in between his teeth but before I could say anything, the first Bull had moved behind me and lifted up my short, pleated skirt. "Yeh but check out dis ass! umm hmm! Slut aint wearing panties! Ha!" He noticed and openly commented lewdly "And dat pretty pink pussy looks so damn tight!". I gasped and giggled with surprise but the biggest Bull had noticed something else. 

"This aint no ordinary Slut boys!" He smirked but they continued to grope at me, fingering my erect little nipple and teasing my pretty little pussy folds. "She a Queen of Spades, she all marked up 'n' everything. Ah boys, this day just got so much betta!"

It didn't take them long to lead me further into the building site and as we reached the skip, they pushed me into a crouched position. "Well, let's see wot dis Queen can do eh?" One bull smirked as he unzipped his fly. The other two followed suit and before I could even give any form of consent, I was surrounded by three Big Black Dicks! My eyes lit up and I licked my glossy pink lips and without hesitation, I wrapped my delicate, slender fingers around two of them and rolled out my tongue from my widened mouth. 

I licked, lapped and slurped hungrily over the presented cocks, sucking them in turn, wrapping my plump cock-suckers around these girthy slabs of black meat. I looked up at the complete strangers, smiling around a thick shaft and fluttered my lashes. Looks like my afternoon was not going to be wasted after all! 

I was in the middle of enjoying working my mouth over these strange, builders' cocks when the biggest Bull hoisted me up by the arm pit, he dragged over a step ladder that raked loudly on the concrete floor and firmly manhandled me into position. I lifted one leg and planted a heel on one of the steps as he bent me forward. "'boutta see just how tight this little Bimbo be!" He smirked, devilishly. and I turned my head to face him. I flashed him tempting smile and grabbed my own ass cheek, offering myself to the eager Bull. 

"Oh yeh! She ready to go aight!" Another laughed as he moved in to firmly grope and molest my exposed breast. "Ahh yeeeh!" The other shouted, gleefully "Giver 'er that Big Ol' dick, let's see how she like dat!"

The big Bull didn't need to be told, he grinned down at me as I egged him on and he pushed the tip of his wonderful black cock into me. 

I let out a delighted moan of surprise as he stretched my tight folds wide. He was a tight fit for sure. Considering I had already been fucked by a big black dick already that day, I was still stretched around this new monster. He growled loudly "Damn, slut tight as a clam!" He commented "You got dis Bruv, hollow that slut out!" one of the other builders shouted and the first scowled at him "Boy, I been nailing sluts like this while you was still sucking on yo momma's tit, I KNOW how ta use a piece of white fuck meat!" And with that, he grabbed my hips and shoved forward hard! My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and my jaw dropped as I squealed loudly. He drilled his huge black cock as deep into me as he could. His bulbous crown buried it's self in my belly while my pussy strained around his girth. Oh yeh, he knew what he was doing alright! 

It took me a moment to to get over the initial shock of his thrust but I noticed on of the builders was stood the other side of the step ladder, holding onto it, cock to full attention. Ok, I wanted that! Still quivering from the shock of the tree-trunk of a dick inside me, I leant forward, grabbed hold of the sides of the ladder, tits squashed against the top step, I instinctively rolled my plump pink lips over that tempting crown and started sucking. "Holy Sheeeet!" The Bull cried out as I don't think he was expecting me to be so eager. 

"Daymn! This Bimbo thirsty!" The third Bull laughed as my head started bobbing furiously, pushing that cock deep down my gullet and stretching my jaw wide. The Bull I was sucking just stood there, eyes closed, head thrown back and moaning with pleasure. "Fuuuck, those lips boys.. hmmmm. Perfection!" 

Meanwhile, the Biggest Bull had taken a huge, firm handful of my pale ass cheek and started to pound me, furiously, from behind. That huge cock pistoning inside me was heavenly! I couldn't help but moan lewdly around the cock down my throat and the thrusts helped me to shove it down further still. 

The third Bull was getting impatient. All he could do was watch me get violently spit roasted, "c'mon Bruv, don't hog tha puss." He laughed. "NNngh, wait yer turn!" The biggest Bull grunted "Gonna nut any second!" He had to watch a little longer until the Big Bull grunted, threw his head back and forced himself as deep as he could before unloading inside me. "Fuck Bruv! You nutted inside her!" the watching Bull laughed. "Course!" The Big Bull grunted "and wot of it?!"

He pulled out and slapped my ass, a trickle of jizz dribbled down my inner thighs "All yours!" He said and stepped aside. The third Bull just laughed and grabbed my hips, The Bull I was happily deep throating, shot his own load directly down my gullet and I drank it down eagerly. He grabbed a hand full of my silky blonde hair and pulled me off his spurting cock, just in time to allow the last few streams of cum to splatter my face. I beamed a bright, cum drizzled smile at him as I was repositioned. 

Spun around quickly, a Grabbed the upper handle of the stepladder and spread my thighs for the next cock. He positioned himself between my milky thighs and guided his crown into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him forward as a smiled brightly up at him. I was held firmly by the Bull behind me, one gloved hand clamped down on one of my boobs, while his other hand held my chin firmly. I just love being so perfectly held and my eyes sparkled with delight. All this as the biggest Bull jerked off over me and squeezed out another thick load on my flat tummy. 

I was thoroughly enjoying myself. Flashing the Bulls my bright smile and tempting them to fuck me harder and harder. I was enjoying being the afternoon plaything of these unknown builders and my giggles and erotic moans rung out loudly around the small building site. 

My pussy quivered multiple times as they continued to fuck me over the step ladder, climax after climax as those well hung Bulls put me to use. 

They were getting more and more animalistic, their thrusts getting harder and faster, it seemed as if they were trying to push me to see how hard I could take it. Yet, I never complained even once! I was eager to see just how far they'd go.

After a few turns on me, a few loads of thick, sticky cum dumped inside me and on me, I was still eager for more but I thought maybe these Bulls were wavering. The last Bull pulled out of me, his cock followed by a thick stream of cum and there seemed to be a hesitation as to whom was going to go at me next. 

"Take 'er inside!" The biggest Bull smirked. I smiled brightly and wiggled with excitement "I don't think she's quite done yet!" I cooed playfully and shook my head as I stared up at the strangers.  I stood up onto my wobbly legs and skipped with them inside the building. 

There was a pallet of cement inside and I was thrown down on top of it. I giggled playfully as they surrounded me again. The gang bang continued! 

One Bull threw me onto my side and tilted my hips, spreading my legs lewdly wide, he gripped his cock and just drove it inside me once again. I squealed with pleasurable surprise and he gripped my hip and began pile driving me on the pallet. His cock drove deep into my cum drenched pussy, the mixture of DNA inside me continued to churn as he grit his teeth and went to work. Another Bull wrapped his gloved hand around my chin and held my head steady. I clawed at the bags of cement under me, trying to  keep myself from being pounded off of them. 

This pick up in pace was more than welcome, I do enjoy a good, hard hammering, it made me squeal with delight and moan with pleasure. The builders barely said anything to one another now, They just grunted and watched, groping and molesting me from time to time. They took turns on me now, while one fucked me, the other two stood close recovering and building themselves up for their next go. 

The Bulls were not done with me yet! As they took a breather and I lay there on the bags of cement, also gathering my breath from my last, intense climax, they looked at each other. "She like the damn Energizer Bunny!" One laughed as they looked down at me, smiling brightly and glistening in cum. 

"Think she can take more boys?" The biggest Bull grinned down at me and then slowly raised his gaze up at them with this wicked smirk on his lips. "What say we make dis lil' fuck doll air tight?!" Wicked smirks began to grow on the other two bulls' faces and they looked down at me. I flicked my brows and bit my bottom lip. Looks like things were going to get even rougher before they were finished! 

The strongest and biggest Bull flipped me over onto my belly, legs spread either side of the bags of cement and he began to approach me from behind. I didn't get long to wonder what his plan was before I felt him pressing his huge crown against my puckered little ass hole. I gasped and widened my eyes in surprise. He was a huge Bull and I had struggled to take him in my pussy, yet he now wanted in my ass?! I wasn't going to deny him, of course, but this .. this was going to be hard work! 

I closed my eyes, grit my teeth and farrowed my brow as he pushed, grunting. I groaned as he started to work his huge groan into my tight little ass. "Oh fuck!" one Bull laughed "looks like she struggling with dat one!" The big Bull looked up and grinned "Yeh but she also aint complainin'... such a good lil' sluuuuuUUUT!" and with that, he pushed hard enough to force his way into my ass. I screamed loudly "Oh My God! NNNNGH!" with wide, watering eyes. Once he had worked his crown into me, the rest of his cock followed, although still not easy, it was like he had broken the seal and he managed to work the rest of his length into me. I felt his cock deep in my guts and i panted heavily as his balls slapped against me. He was so deep! I was stretched so wide it hurt like crazy but, My God, did it feel amazing! 

My ordeal wasn't over yet because once he was lodge deep in my ass, the other two moved in. I felt a gloved hand on my hip and another fat crown pressing as my sloppy pussy but I had no way to react as the other Bull had presented me with his cock as well. 

The biggest Bull firmly grabbed my chin and throat, angling my face up. I opened my mouth and without hesitation, the other Bull shoved his cum glistening down my throat! Another gloved hand on my other hip... I farrowed my brow as I looked up, my eyes flashing with pain and, mostly, pleasure as the last Bull, behind me, drove his cock as deep as he could into my well fucked pussy. OH MY GOD! 

I struggled to moan as they all fucked me at the same time. I couldn't move, pinned down by the Bull on my ass, gripped firmly by the Bull behind me and my head locked in position to receive a hard throat fucking! 

It was incredible!!!

They all pistoned and thrusted at me in unison. Two huge cocks buried deep into me from behind, stretching me painfully wide, I could feel them both rubbing against my thin inner walls. Another cock thrust down my gullet leaving me with huge difficulties breathing and of course, no possible way to escape, even if I had wanted to. I was now, just a fuck toy for them to ravish! 

My mind started going hazy, as the pleasure inside me just kept on growing. I hit my peak and shuddered under the weight of the Bulls and yet still could move, over and over and over again I came. My muscles quivering and clamping down hard on the fat, veiny cocks that had stuffed me beyond full.  

I lost track of time, Occasionally the bull down my throat swapped with the Bull in my pussy, giving me a momentary break to gulp down a few lung fulls of air and  cry out lustfully but it was only a moment before a cock was driven into me again. 

I soon just seemed to be a mess as one orgasm just flowed right into the next with no rest bite. I had no idea how long they fucked me like this before I felt them all cum inside me. I swallowed down as much cum as possible but inevitably, some bubbled up around the corners of my mouth and even bubbled from my nose as I struggled to breathe and began choking on cock and cum. Another blast into my young, unprotected uterus, which was already swimming with these stranger's DNA and then one thick, heavy blast up my ass. It was blasted so deep, I felt it splatter my guts! 

They eased out of me and I collapsed on the pallet, a mess of cum and shuddering with my after glow. I smiled with satisfaction as I looked up at the three strangers. "Think that got 'er." One laughed "Not so sure Bruv, look at that smile, think she might have more in 'er yet." another said as I beamed brightly up at them. "Fuck that bruv I'm nutting dust right now!" They all laughed "Yeh me too, emptied me out on and in that little cum sock." I giggled at being called a 'cum sock' and watched as they started to tuck away their softening cocks. 

"Shit Man, it's quitting time, let's bounce!" They gestured for me to get up and they ushered me out of the unfinished building. They gathered around to watch me leave but before I could grab my clothes, the biggest bull grabbed my chin and firmly pulled my head to face him. I smiled softly and he grinned back "Barbie looks good with our nut all over 'er face!" He then slapped my ass and barked "Go on, bounce gurl, we got to lock up!" 

They didn't even give me so much as a rag to clean myself up. I scooped up as much of their cum as I could with my fingers and lapped it off before picking up my clothes. I pulled them on and the material stuck to my skin as the spunk soaked in. I hurriedly skipped to my car with a huge, satisfied grin on my face. 

Going to have to remember that building site.  

Monday, January 23, 2023

Joey: Big Black Bull on the Bed

 Joey: Hi everyone, Hope you been well. I hope you are looking forward to more sexy pictures! Well you are in luck! 

I was hired for another movie and turned up at the hotel, looking forward to another fun filled day. I was not disappointed. The Bull they wanted me to work with was very well hung, he had a gorgeous cock. Delicious! We were barely introduced when the director clapped his hands and demanded we get started. 

He was one strong and eager bull and knew exactly what he was doing. He stuffed me full in front of the cameras and went to town on me. I wont spoil it but I'm sure these still show just how much I enjoyed this particular shoot. 



Hmm can't wait till my next shoot! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Joey & Wendy: Rap Party - New Story Page

 Hi guys! Thought I'd prove a quick link and teaser to our latest full story page. The link is in the 'pages' section but it can be easily missed.

Read and see what happens when My Sister and I take a vacation to a sunny beach resort and get invited to a rap party! :p

Link Here: Joey & Wendy: Rap Party

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Joey: Waiting

 Waiting for the latest Bull to take possession of me, to get back to his apartment so he can put me to good use. 

Wendy: Breeding The Bimbo

 Wendy: Hi guys!  I got the opportunity to work with Ghost and it was a LOT of fun!  Check out some of these pics!   But there is more! Chec...