Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wendy & Joey: Fan Letter Competition

 Joey: Hi all! This isn't a photoset but a competition! That's right, it's competition time! 

Wendy: Ohhh fun! What do people have to do?

Joey: Well, my eager little sister, it's pretty simple really; write us a letter (SL Notecard) in the guise of fan mail. 

Wendy: Oh sounds simple enough!

Joey: Fairly but we are after something quite specific. Write us a filthy fan letter!

Wendy: Ohhh that does sound fun!!!!

Joey: I hope so. We ask you write lewd, degrading and objectifying letters. Tell us what you like about us and our work, what you think of us and what you'd like to do to us! That's the fun part. Be as lewd as you like, the more degrading the better! Use filthy names for us and let your fantasies fly! Keep the characters in your 'fantasies' just your chosen Sister and yourself, we'd love to know what lewd things you'd do to us if you ever got your hands on one of us. *grins* 

Wendy: So they can write about.. anything??

Joey: Well, we'd like to publish the best so please keep your fantasies to just sexual encounters; no snuff, vore or dolcett, THOSE can be saved for another time *laughs* 

Wendy: So they can be as perverted as they like?

Joey: Oh most defiantly! 

Wendy: Can they add pics to their note cards?

Joey: YES! Send pics of your avatar, 'parts' of your avatar and even toys and equipment you'd like to use on us. Anything that would make your fan letter the filthiest and most perverted!

Wendy: How do they send these letters to us?

Joey: Write your letter in a Second Life Notecard and title it "Fan letter to Wendy" or "Fan Letter to Joey" depending on which one of us you are writing to and drop it to us in world. Either myself (Joey Aristocrat (Tanukiii Resident)) or Wendy (Wendy Aristocrat).

Wendy: Yay fan mail! *squeeee!* So who is this open to?

Joey: Anyone! Men, Women (toys can be used you know), Furries, Anthro, Herm, Futa, Black, White, Monsters, as long as the species is sentient and can talk, it's all fair game (so no ferals) 

Wendy: So we judge the best but what do the winners get?

Joey: They get to live out the fantasy in their letter!

Wendy: No way?!

Joey: Yes way! We will set up a photoshoot with the winners and they will star in a porn shoot with us. We can also do some roleplay if that is what they'd like but we'd love to put the photosets up on our blog.

Wendy: Soooo, it's 'Fuck A Fan"?

Joey: Essentially yes! I am also looking at making a specific title in our group for those people and even gonna make a pin, maybe with something like "I Fucked Joey" on it or something. Could be fun! 

Wendy: *laughs and bounces with excitement* Oh wow that sounds super fun! 

Joey: That is the intention. So please, join our SL group "The Aristocrat Sisters' Porn Fans" and bookmark this blog for updates. 

Wendy: I'm so excited! 

Joey: Me too! So get writing and come get us!!!!

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Joey - Earth 2, Part 3 - The Sauna

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