Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Joey, Wendy & Dee - The Hat Trick!

 Joey: It's been a busy few weeks for us but I wanted to get something out for you all to enjoy. It so happens that I have a great opportunity here, as the three of us have scored the 'Hat Trick'! 

All three of us have beautiful swollen bellies at the same time!  That's right, all three of us are pregnant at the same time. 

This is Dee's first pregnancy but rest assured, that womb of hers is going to be very busy. She is very eager to be bred by man, beast or alien so watch this space to see what pumps their offspring into her next! Dee is due any day now but she has no idea who knocked her up; It could of been one of those many strangers or the director when she stared in 'The Slut Bus' or by one of the many patrons at 'The Creampie Club' where she has been working recently. Needless to say she's very proud of herself and we are all proud of her! Good Job Dee!

This is my Third pregnancy, well, the third that I will carry to term. I hadn't quite committed myself to be a breeder back then. I loved knowing some random bull had knocked me up and it always made me smile when I got a positive pregnancy test but it was only recently when I realised I was born to breed! Now, my uterus is available to any Bull or Beast that wants to pump their baby into me, no questions asked! You all know how I got knocked up this time, it was on all tape and distributed on Blu Ray! 

I'm a little ticked off at Wendy, If I am going to be honest... Ticked off and proud at the same time. This is my slutty sister's fourth pregnancy, so I'm all ready a little grumpy at lagging behind. This time around, she saw my latest movie and wanted a puppy of her own. Now of course I encourage such behaviour but this broody little slut just couldn't wait. She headed over to 'The Barn' and hung out in the kennels for a day, letting every dog in there mount her. Now you may say I should be proud of such behaviour from my sister and, don't get me wrong, I am! But c'mon Wendy, could of at least had someone record it or take a few snaps for the blog. Can't keep a good slut down I guess. 

Here we are, all knocked up with up to date breeding tallies. That's right, we'll be tattooing our pregnancies to our bellies. We are proud of each and every one of them and want to show them off! 

Hope you enjoy the pic and keep your eye on our blog because We have another photoset coming soon...


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Wendy: Breeding The Bimbo

 Wendy: Hi guys!  I got the opportunity to work with Ghost and it was a LOT of fun!  Check out some of these pics!   But there is more! Chec...