Sunday, December 8, 2024

Mandi - Introduction


Mandi: Hello!

My name is Mandi Velvet and I am a 24 year old Pilipino prostitute. Oh yes and I am very proud of what I do too! I have been working since I was 19 and love what I do but I have always had the feeling that I could be doing better! I am rather petite and have been called the ‘Pint Sized Prostitute’. I may be petite but I have a very ample chest and my clients seem to enjoy my large boobs!

I was never a street whore; I would always find my clients through escort agencies and usually my clients were wealthy men. I love to be pampered in private jets and by penthouse pools. I am arm candy for the rich and a fuck toy for the wealthy. It has certainly been a fun ride; I have been jetted off from one country to another, shopped at all the finest, expensive stores and gone to some of the most luxurious parties. Men always seemed to enjoy having me on their arm and later, in their bed.

Sure, I never spent a great deal of time with one client before they hired another high class call girl but that is the job. I’m not finding a partner; I’m fucked for cash so I bounce between clients regularly.

My life has been amazing; I have never had any complaints and couldn’t have wished for more. However, recently I realised there was more I could have been having!

It started when a client who wanted to watch some porn to get back in the mood to put me to use again. We lay in the huge bed and he flicked through his collection and we watched a breeding movie. Some pale skinned, dark haired slut was gangbanged by a bunch of big black guys and the premise was they were going to breed her! That’s right; these men were going to pump a baby into this porn star’s belly!

It was very arousing to watch with my client and as I sucked his cock, I kept one eye on the large screen watching. At some point I popped his cock from my lips and said “You know, they aren’t really going to impregnate her right? It’s all like a fantasy right?” I have seen ‘breeding’ porn before; some porn star gets fucked and jump cut to her pushing a stroller with a doll in it. My client placed his hand on the top of my head and pushed me back down onto his cock with a laugh “Just watch!”

After the dark-haired pornstar took multiple creampies I waited for the jump cut to her with a stroller. There was a jump cut but no stroller! Instead, she posed proudly for the camera with a very large baby bump. She was fully nude and the camera really showed off her bump. She even had a Baby tally tattoo’d on her belly! I was convinced that belly had to be fake, it just had to be but it looked so real! “See!” Laughed my client before grabbing my long hair and yanking me up so he could reposition me and drive his now hard again cock between my thighs….

Once I had free time and was between clients, I looked up some of these breeding videos because I just couldn’t get it out of my head. Was it real? Did this porn star really get knocked up by all those men?

I fell down a porn movie rabbit hole and searched for more of this pornstar’s work, I still couldn’t believe that it was real yet her belly tallies grew and I even found a video of her being bred by multiple dogs over a period of a week! I’ll admit, I watched that one multiple times.

I found an internet interview with this particular porn star where she was being very candid about her life, her sexuality and her breeding. I couldn’t believe it, all her breeding movies were real! She was actually knocked up and carried these random men’s children.

I dug further and found a couple more porn stars who published breeding movies. One was even bred by a Minotaur! This was it, this was what I was looking for and didn’t know it. I ached to be a breeding whore!

You guessed it, that first pornstar was Joey Aristocrat and the Minotaur breeder was Dee! I watched some of Wendy Aristocrat’s movies and Sally Petite’s!

I found the publisher’s contact details and made some enquiries and within a week or so, I was on a telephone call with Joey herself!

I found out she managed her own career as well as her sister’s, Dee’s (for the most part) and Sally’s. I had struck gold! I offered myself to her management and she informed me that creating pornographic media was very much what she’d be expecting from me. However, I was a prostitute not a porn star and had no portfolio of media to show her. Other than my Insta and model portfolio, I had no movies to show off, although, I was very eager to start a career in porn creation.

 We had an interesting conversation where we spoke about my background and my desire to breed, I found it something I was missing out on. She was very friendly and polite. She was so easy to talk to and I felt as if I had known her all my life but she was also very professional. I felt a sternness to her voice and she felt somewhat domineering. I could have listened to her for hours and honestly, she had the tone that would have made me do anything she wanted me to do. I felt the urge to not disappoint her and please her, it was weird but her voice sent pleasurable shivers down my spine as she spoke about what she does and what she expected from those she managed.

 She explained that, while she respected my chosen profession of prostitute as she too also prostituted herself regularly; her focus on management was very much in the creation of pornographic media with the focus on breeding material as well as managing the breeding program. While this did include prostitution, she was concerned that I had no experience in movies.

She also explained that she never had the intention to manage a breeding program and those under her wing were either friends or family, except for Sally, who was an exception. She was not looking to expand her responsibilities. She gave me the number for her agent and suggested giving him a call should I wish to put some movies under my belt as he would be able to manage that aspect better.

I will admit, I felt disappointed but I was grateful for her call. I thanked her for the time and she told me her call was a professional courtesy. While she didn’t want to expand her management she did want to encourage my desires.

I was a little disappointed for a few days and was considering calling the agent’s number to start a porn career at least. If I put a few movies out, maybe one or two breeding movies I may find another breeding program I could involve myself in. The conversation did encourage me but I will admit, any other breeding program would have felt like second best. So I decided to sit on the idea for a while.

 It seemed as if I wasn’t the only one thinking on my next steps for a while as before the week was out my phone rang with an unknown number. I assumed it was another direct client but as I answered the phone, I heard that soft, sultry, professional purr from the other end. It was Miss Aristocrat calling me back!

She told me she had been thinking about our last conversation for a few days and, although she had hoped she had encouraged me to push forward, she felt she could have done more. She didn’t want to have to manage a green-horn from the ground up but if I wanted to become a breeder, I had to prove myself!

I could do that! For sure! But how?

Joey informed me that, if I did prove myself, she would accept me into her breeding program however she would take somewhat of a back seat to my progression and allow me to manage myself while she steered me in certain directions, suggest certain work, breed certain clients and strongly suggested I enrol with her agent to help facilitate my own career. If I proved my intentions she would help steer me rather than manage me.

This was great! I could use her contacts and experience while still retaining my own independence for my own breeding and porn career! She would always be available for guidance and suggestions but ultimately, I was the driver of my own destiny. So I asked. “How do I prove myself?”

“There will be a private jet sat on the runway of your local air port, I will email you the flight details later..” she began to explain, “There will be a client and a cameraman on that jet. The client has agreed to help you create your first movie for, well.. let’s not get into that arrangement shall we?” She laughed lightly “Needless to say, you will perform with the client while the jet takes you to Las Vegas…” My eyes widened Vegas?! But before I could ask anything more she continued “There a car will pick you up and take you to a hotel, you will meet with my contact there and be put to work as a Vegas prostitute…” This was starting to sound very interesting but the kicker came very soon; “You will be hired out through my contact’s agency for the maximum of one month, where upon you will be flown back home.”

“Sounds simple enough, you want me to do a porno on a plane and work as a Vegas Prostitute for a month, luckily I don’t have a fear of flying huh?” I giggled but the phone line was silent, not even a giggle for a few second.

“When you land there will be two cars waiting, the first will take you home but the second will bring you to my villa.” I raised a brow wondering where this was going.

“While working in Vegas, if you have become pregnant you will get in the second car and join me at my villa, if you have not, you will enter the first car and that will be as far as our contact will progress.”

My jaw dropped and there was silence on the line for a few more seconds until; “Do you understand and accept the assignment?”

“Y.y..yes, I do!” I replied and the line went dead!

I received the flight details and the jet was due to leave a week from now, enough time for me to get any birth control out of my system! She had thought of everything!

Basically, I had to come back with a belly bump or.. not at all! Exciting! Way to throw me in at the deep end!

The day of the flight arrived and I eagerly hopped onto the private yet, eager to prove myself.

The client was a well built white guy, very wealthy and very eager to put me to work! Enjoy these pictures from the shoot but I think you will agree, I look amazing in the paws of such a strong man! He certainly knew how to handle me.

I will admit, I enjoyed my first movie more than I ever thought I would. Even more that I enjoyed prostitution! I knew this wasn’t just for my client; once published, multiple men would be enjoying my antics. However, I know what you are all thinking..

How did the movie end? Did it end with me getting off the plane? Or did it end some other way? Did I get into that second car? Did I succeed in my sexy mission?

Well, here is a snap shot of the ending of the movie to answer your questions. That’s right, that’s me, enjoying the sunshine, posing in the sunshine on the patio of a certain someone’s villa!

Baby tally tattoo and everything! Now, was the baby I carried the client’s from the plane or any one of the men that hired me during my month long working stay in Vegas? I have no idea!  Either way I was as proud as I could be to bare my first tally and show off my first bump!

Look out for more from me! I can’t wait to get stuck in to my new career as pornstar and breeder!


Luv Mandi


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Joey - Earth 2, Part 3 - The Sauna

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