Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wendy & Joey – Christmas Visit

 Joey: First of all, we’d like to wish you all ‘Happy Holidays’, however you celebrate. It was a couple of days before Christmas day when I received a call from Vanessa. We spoke for a bit on what we’d been up to recently, had a bit of a laugh and a joke and it took around ten minutes before Vanessa got to the point of her call.

“Are you busy on Christmas day at all? I’m sure you are but I was wondering if I could ask a favour.” asked Vanessa.

“Well, I’m going to spend the day with Wendy, open gifts in the morning, we’ll probably go looking for some Christmas day cock then we’ll head home and cook up a roast dinner. Could be a fun day, we don’t really make a big deal of it honestly.” I replied “But sure, what’s the favour sweetheart?”

“Well, my grandpa will be home alone on Christmas day and, well, he’s getting old and his mind isn’t all there. He’s a bit forgetful, I mean you know how old people get…” She started to explain. She didn’t really talk much about her Grandfather but when she did it was always about how his poor brain is breaking. It could be dementia or just getting old and not as sharp as he used to be. She never complained about his conditions but only showed concern because he was very much alone and she would visit him regularly and help him out.

Apparently the old man was pretty poor and, even though she’ll never admit to it, Vanessa often spent much of her own money to make sure he had the medication he needed, food and other things.

Vanessa may be seen by many as a feisty, sassy black slut but she does have a huge heart. Even if I didn’t know anything else about her, I could hear it in her tone, coming from down the phone, “… The thing is, I’m going to be tied up Christmas Day and won’t be able to visit him. I wonder if you could pick up a few things for him for lunch and just kind of pop around and say hello, check in on him for me please?”

I sat down in our large leather sofa and watched as Wendy trying to wrap one last gift. I watched and wondered how someone could get themselves more stuck with tape than the wrapping paper. “Of course Vanessa! We’ll swing around and poke our noses in around mid morning, is that ok?”

Vanessa seemed very relieved and thanked me “Oh wow, thankyou Joey! I don’t know what to say. I’ll bring around his shopping later today as well as his medication. He doesn’t eat too much and it’s mostly microwave food so he can do it himself but I also have some gifts for him and knowing someone is going to say hello on Christmas day makes me so much better, thankyou Joey!”

I reassured her that it was fine and it would be nice to meet ‘old gramps’. We’d heard from Vanessa that her gramps can be a bit of a dirty old man and was a little bit of a fan of our movies and media. Vanessa warned me that it is quite common for her to catch her old gramps jerking off on the sofa even though he knew she was coming around. He would just forget. I laughed and said “The day either Wendy or myself get upset or offended by some old black guy jerking off, is the day that maybe you should think about putting US in a home.” We both laughed and Wendy looked back at me with a confused look on her face, clearly still struggling to work out how to use sticky tape, judging by the state of her ‘wrapped’ gift.

Vanessa came by that night with the shopping, medication, address and the front door key to her gramps’ apartment.  She stuck around for a bit and we hung out for a few hours before she headed out to get herself ready for her Christmas Day.

Christmas morning came around and Wendy and I spent the morning opening our gifts for each other and fooling around.

“So, we going to go find a random BBC later to get our Christmas Day fucking?” Asked Wendy as she came skipping back into the room. She had that mischievous grin on her lips and held her hands behind her back.

“That is the usual plan isn’t it?” I asked, turning my head to look up at my sister. I farrowed my brow and tilted my head with curiosity “What’s going on?” I asked suspiciously.

She smirked and swung her hips playfully. I was still a little confused until she pulled her hand from behind her back and opened her palm. Her eyes widened and her mischievous grin grew. In her palm were two viles of my latest shipment of fertility drugs. “What ya think, Christmas babies?” She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and gestured for her to come sit on the sofa. I laughed and looked at the viles in her palm. I shrugged and smiled at her “Sure why not?” Wendy seemed pretty excited as I continued “I mean, why not cross that tally right?” I winked.

The morning was ticking along and we took the fertility drugs and tidied up the apartment. “We got to go drop some stuff off and check in on Vanessa’s Gramps before we go find some BBC. She’s unavailable today and doesn’t want her Gramps to be alone. So Heads up I guess.” I said as we were pulling on our jackets and I went to pick up the shopping and medication Vanessa had left behind.

“Wait, what?” asked Wendy as she spun around to look at me. She gave me that sulky look of impatience “How long we gonna be…..” I cut her off with a scowl over the top of my glasses. She called it my ‘school teacher grumpy look’. I didn’t even need to say anything; she knew she was being a brat. Sighing and hanging her head shamefully, she realised she was being bratty; “Fine! I guess it’s not nice to be alone at Christmas right. Just so long as I get some black spunk in me today.” She turned and made her way to the garage. She’s not a bad girl, honestly. Wendy is very sweet and she knows more than most how to be a good person but sometimes, she really gets impatient and when the thought of big black cock pushes into her bubble brain, there really isn’t much room for anything else. She just needs a gentle reminder to not be a cock spoilt bitch.  


We drove through the neighbourhood where Vanessa’s gramps lived; it was run down and was just another one of our city ghettos. “I think I have been here..” Wendy muttered, peering out the window as we drove through in my Sports car, “Lot of black guys here, won’t have to go too far to get fucked after.” She giggled and squirmed in her seat.

I followed the Sat-Nav into the carpark of another rundown apartment block. Wendy leant forward and peered at the curling paint on the walls of the apartment; “As much as I love being fucked in some dirty alley way, it’s super sad that the city never puts any money into making these neighbourhoods look better, ya know?” She said, turning her head to get my reaction.

My eyes widened and I was a little shocked to hear my bimbo brained sister show her social awareness. I opened my mouth and was about to explain more of the social commentary that leads to black communities being left to rot. It has been something that has annoyed me for years. However, a large black bull walked pasted the car and flashed Wendy a wink…. It was kind of like watching a dog see a squirrel honestly; her gaze just followed the bull all the way across the windshield and the previous query just floated out of her brain like a lost butterfly.

I just laughed to myself and shook my head “Come on then, let’s go give gramps his groceries and medication.”

We made our way into the apartment and a few of the residents gave us curious looks. We smiled at a few of the male residents as they openly eyed us leeringly. “Yup, doubt we’ll have to go far at all!” I winked at Wendy as we came up upon ‘Gramps’ door. I put the key in the door and opened it, saying loudly “Hey Gramps Vanessa can’t make it today so she asked it….” I was cut off a little as I heard him saying “Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!” from inside the poorly lit apartment;

More peeling paint and yellowed wallpaper, the typical 70’s style brown carpeting were the first things we noticed in the darkened apartment. A flicking blue light bathed the walls and ceiling as the television was showing something. It was a little obvious what gramps was watching as through the speakers were very familiar moans. My own voice filled my ears, telling some unseen person to “Fuck me like the common slut I am!” yup, gramps was sat there in his sofa, watching one of my pornos. I’ll admit; I was somewhat flattered.

Wendy followed me into the apartment “What’s all the hub-bub?!” and as she stepped in she giggled “Well happy Christmas Gramps!”

That’s right! I mean I was warned but even so. It was quite amusing to wander in and see Vanessa’s Gramps, sat on his sofa, huge black dick in hard, jerking it to one of my movies. He seemed somewhat embarrassed but he soon became confused. “Wait, who are you? What day is it? Have you seen my Venny?” His confusion seemed to make him  forget he had his own dick in his hand and he just sat there, squinting at us, cock clutched in his fist “Where’s Venny?!”

I looked over at My sister who had closed the apartment door and here big blue eyes had focused on that huge black, old cock and was nibbling her bottom lip. I shook my head again and laughed before answering the old man’s questions;

“I’m Joey, this is my sister Wendy….” Wendy lifted a palm to say hi but here eyes never once left the huge dick in plain view, “Vanessa can’t make it over today, so she asked us to come keep you company and bring you your groceries. It’s Christmas Day and …..”

He cut me off as we both walked into the light a little more. His eyes flicking from me to Wendy and back again “Wait, don’t I know you?!”. I stood next to his television, my own moans still coming out of its speakers and I drummed my fingers on the wooden box of the set. “Yeh, I think you have seen us somewhere before.” I laughed lightly.

It was actually quite funny to watch this senile old man look at the television, then back at me and back to the television, as if I had just jumped out of the set. I started to make my way towards the small kitchenette while Wendy seemed to make a slow bee-line towards the focus of her attention.

“Wait, are you those girls, like.. you’re the…” I think he had managed to put two and two together and that when he remembered he was mid jack-off session before we walked in. He looked down at his own dick in his hand and gasped. “Oh my God! Oh My.. I’m so… sorry.. I.. um” He furiously tried to put his cock away but it was rock hard and was having quite the difficulty tucking it away.

At this point I had made my way into the kitchen and had placed the groceries down on the counter “Oh Don’t worry about it Gramps it’s not the first time we have…” I cut my own sentence short as I looked over to smile at him. However, I saw my eager little sister had skipped over to the sofa and was now positioning herself on the old man’s lap!

Gramps was leaning back in the sofa, jaw dropped in surprise as Wendy had reached between her thighs and was easing his huge black crown under the hem of her pretty pink skirt. She beamed an adorable smile at the old man and giggled “Don’t worry Gramps, let me help you put that somewhere, more… appropriate.”

I shrugged and continued to unload the groceries. Looks like Wendy had found her Christmas BBC after all. Can’t keep a good slut down! I checked to make sure old Gramps was ok with having some bubble brained bimbo pornstar slide her way down his old man dick with barely even a word and, well, judging by the wide grin on his face as she wriggled her hips to impale herself told me this was going to be his best Christmas ever.

I busied myself in the kitchen, checking on the old man’s fridge and making a mental list for groceries that he might need for his next visit. Meanwhile, gramps had gripped Wendy’s hip and rounded ass as she rode his huge cock. She was in the process of stripping off her jacket and top and I have never seen an old man’s eye light up so much as when he laid them on Wendy’s soft, large boobs!

Wendy gonna Wendy I guess; Giving the old man the best Christmas Gift ever.

I busied myself in the kitchen, cleaned the counters and sorted out the fridge a little while the two enjoyed themselves. Gramp’s confusion popped up here and there, asking Wendy if she was that girl from his movies and if she knew her Granddaughter. After answering him a couple of times and removing her last piece of clothing, she was now fully naked riding the old man’s huge dick and his curious questions seemed to cease.

After a while of grinding her curved hips into Gramp’s lap he gave a quick glance over at me in his kitchen. I had now put all the groceries away and was just idly watching the two have their fun. He then looked up at Wendy and grinned “Your sister want dick too?” He chuckled and Wendy looked down at him with a wide smile while she lightly stroked his bald head with her well manicured finger tips. “You wanna fuck my sister too?” She giggled. He grinned broadly and nodded enthusiastically.

With that Wendy turned her head towards me as she continued to fuck Gramps “Hey Sis….” She started but I was already ahead of her; “I’m on it…” I smiled back as I reached behind me to unzip my short skirt, letting to slide down my thighs before I strode from the kitchen to the sofa.

Wendy turned back towards the old man and planted her hands on his shoulders and eased herself up off of his lap. He looked down and watched his juice coated cock slide from my sister’s pale stretched folds and leave with a sloppy pop. She rolled herself over to flop down beside him and immediately the old man was faced with me, lifting a leg onto the couch as I pulled open my own shirt. He gasped with surprise as my large, pale tits jiggled as I mounted the couch.

I too, eased gramps’ cock inside myself, wriggling my hips as I slid down his shaft to impale myself on his old dick for the first time.

I enjoyed riding the old man’s dick but soon Wendy was getting impatient again, so we swapped over a couple of times, the whole time Gramps had the expression on his face that signified he couldn’t believe what was happening.

Eventually, we managed to get the old man out of his own clothing and helped him down onto the floor. We were both pretty surprised at how long the old man could keep himself hard and eager! Neither the less, we were not going to complain.

I was straddling Gramps and his cock was buried deep in my belly. Wendy had straddled his face and his lips were busy eating her pussy as his beard tickled her soft pale skin. I suddenly felt his old cock twitch and swell inside me and Wendy grasped my throat, yanking me back against her, I reached up to pull her hair as Gramps started to moan furiously into her pussy. Suddenly a huge burst of old man cum flooded my fertile uterus and I let out my own lust filled moan. “Fuuuuck!” I exclaimed “God God, Gramps just pumped a massive load into me. I never thought he had THAT much in his wrinkly old balls!”

Wendy growled at me as Gramps’ tongue flicked against her pierced lit and she squeezed my throat harder “Hey! Don’t hog it all bitch!” She barked between moans “You better hope he’s got a second load in there for me!!!”

I slyly looked over to her as my body shuddered, feeling his cum slosh around inside me “Hmm yeh, don’t want to waste that fertility drug do we?” Her eyes widened like dinner plates and her jaw dropped. It seemed she had totally forgotten that we had taken that. “OMG! Get off get off GET OFF! I want Gramps’ baby too .. fuuck!”

Well, needless to say, Gramps didn’t disappoint. We spent the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening letting Vanessa’s Grandpa knock us up.

We let him rest for a bit as we made him some dinner. We sat naked beside him as he watched some television but pretty soon, he was bored of his Christmas shows and wanted to make the most of his Christmas Sluts.

About a week later I received another call from Vanessa; “I know I thanked you two for checking in on Gramps over Christmas but I have to say, I have noticed a real change in him!”

“Oh?” I asked, sat on the sofa, running my hand idly over my belly.

“Yeh! Usually he’s very forgetful. He’ll ask me the same question multiple times and I’m lucky if he can remember what he had for breakfast but you two, he asks about you all the time and wonders if you are going to come back to visit him. What did you guys get up to? I haven’t seen him that animated for a long time…” Vanessa continued.

“Umm… you REALLY want to know?” I asked with a slight mischievous tone to my voice.  

There were a few moments of silence down the phone and then a sigh as if Vanessa had suddenly made the calculations.

“No, I probably don’t.” She finally replied with a laugh.

“To be honest..” I continued, “I’m sure Wendy wouldn’t say no to checking in on him again. We could probably pop in from now and then, if you want.”

Vanessa laughed again and said down the phone “I mean.. maybe? Like, try not to give him a heart attack or anything. I mean, he is in his 80’s now”

I couldn’t help but laugh again “No no no, sure. We’ll go easy on him..” I smirked down the phone “But seriously we could probably help him out a bit more for you from time to time.”

Vanessa paused again “I mean sure, I don’t want to impose on you but he was pretty upbeat last time.. I mean, yeh I get why but.. thanks! You two are my best friends for sure. Anyway, see you at Tonight’s New Year’s party!”

Wendy was more than happy to visit old Gramps again and we’ve been popping around to keep him company for a little while now. We even took him out to go buy some of our latest movies. We said we’d just bring a couple around for him but he said he wanted to see the face on the owner of the Adult movie store when he walked in with us, swollen bellies included, on his arms to buy our latest pornos!

Ok that was going to be epic but it will probably be good for him to get out and about a little. We held onto him as he used his walker to slowly make his way down the street and let’s just say he was quite handsy;  “Oh sorry sweetheart” he’d chuckle as he grabbed Wendy’s ass “Thought I was going to fall there!” He’d smirk “It’s ok, I have your other arm. Gramps” I smiled as I supported him. “Ah what a good pair of Grandpa breeders you are, always looking after me”

I have to say, He liked to lay it on thick but that was because he, like we did, really rather enjoyed the judgmental, surprised and shocked looks, not to mention the double takes, as people over heard our conversations. Their eyes would linger wide and mouths agape as two scantily clad, pregnant white sluts would so happily help the black old man down the street.

Anyway, we are looking a little into the future there so let’s just bring it back shall we?

You may be asking, what was so important in the first place that meant that Vanessa couldn’t make it to visit her Grandpa on Christmas. Well, remember she told me she’d be ‘tied up’ on Christmas Day? It turns out that was very literal!

You see, Dee’s Husband had noticed Vanessa previously and had mentioned how much he’d love to pump a baby in her belly. Dee’s a very devoted wife and she makes notes on what her husband says throughout the year so she knows what to get him for Christmas. She even keeps a small note pad in her purse for that reason. Anyway, mixed in on that note pad with such things as a ‘new socket set’ and ‘coffee maker’ was just one word ‘Vanessa’!

Needless to say, he woke up Christmas morning to open his new gift wrapped coffee maker but also found, tied up with pretty red ribbon and a golden ring gag, was a wriggling Vanessa!

“Oh Babe! You remembered!”

Christmas really IS the time of giving isn’t it?

We hope you all have an amazing holiday period. However, I’d also like to mention that there are many people out there who don’t have anyone to share Christmas with. Loneliness has become a real epidemic and the holiday period is particularly difficult on those who are alone.   

So please, spare a thought for those on their own this season. Maybe pop around and check on them, bring them a nice home cooked meal or just pop in to check on them. You don’t HAVE to fuck them, like Wendy and I did; that’s probably going above and beyond, but just remember no-one likes to be alone at Christmas.

Have a wonderful Day and we’ll see you soon!


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