Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Joey, Wendy & Vanessa: The Whore House 2

 Wendy: Bah! this Tuesday was sooooo boring! Vanessa had popped over to our apartment to hang out and see what mischief we were getting into as she had nothing in her diary for today. Turns out, neither did we! 

We were sat on the couch just watching some of our recently released movies and thinking we should probably go street hookin' today. Well it beat sitting around the apartment. It was nearly mid day and none of us had even had a single dick so far! We were starting to get antsy! 

That's when Joey's phone rang. She answered it and began her conversation. She started to grin and look at us both, this peeked our interest. What was going on?? " Yeh Don't think they would have any problem with that! Tell him we'll do it!"

We sat up in our seats and started at her; "What will we do?" Vanessa asked with a puzzled expression. That was when Joey began to explain what she had just volunteered us for.

"You know that Sex Shop and Whore House we have worked for before?" We both nodded, already liking where this was going. 

"Turns out they are having an 80% sale on ALL their Whores this week!" My jaw dropped as did Vanessa's "Why were we not told about this?!" I grumbled.

"That's the funny part, the owner didn't think we'd want to 'lower ourselves' to such cheap rates and so was relying on some of his more, 'desperate' whores this week. His words, not mine."

Vanessa and I rolled our eyes and laughed. "Does he think we are some picky sluts?" I asked

"I guess so, our agent thought that because we were popular pornstars and whores, we wouldn't lower our selves to such low low rates." That was when we all burst out laughing "The lower the fucking better!" I shouted. Being paid next to nothing to fuck complete strangers is so freaking hot! I'm not sure why but when some guy throws a few dollars at me to cum inside me, I feel so slutty! 

"How low we talking?" Inquired Vanessa 

"Ten bucks for fifteen minutes!" Joey smirked

"Damn!" We both said looking at each other "That IS Fucking low!" Barked Vanessa with glee. 

"There is more!" Grinned Joey

We were already sat on the edge of our slowly wettening seats "More?!" I asked

Joey nodded; "He wants us three to be the 'window display' whores. Right there, street side, fucking in those little glass boxes" 

"And I thought this day was going to be boring!" I giggled. My pussy already dripping wet at the thought of being so prominently displayed, tempting in random customers to fuck me again and again at such low low prices.

Vanessa quirked a brow "Does the store owner remember our deal?"

I had forgotten about that!

Joey nodded and grinned "He's putting the 'No Condoms' Signs on the glass as we speak.

That was it! Vanessa and I jumped up off of the couch "Then what are we waiting for?! Lets go get nailed!" 

I jumped up with glee and bounced up and down clapping my hands "Yay Cock and Cum!"

We pulled up around the back of the store and entered through the delivery entrance. The owner was at the till and turned to see us wander in. He farrowed his brow "Um, you girls are early, I told your agent about 3pm, it's not even 1"

I put my hands on my hips and grinned "Do you have any girls in your window displays?" I asked cheekily.

"Um, well no, I explained to your...." He started but I cut him off... "Well then! Let's get to work!" 

Joey and Vanessa nodded towards me and the store owner shrugged as he laughed "Yeh I aint gonna argue with ya. You were made aware we are having a sale this week?"

"Yeh yeh." I said, without looking back as we headed to the window displays and gave the owner a dismissive wave. Once we stripped down, we got to work! 

We soon gathered a crowd and they couldn't believe we are so cheap. Apparently some customers even had to ask the owner if we were also included in the sale, even though it was plastered all over our windows. Needless to say we were kept pretty busy! We barely had a moments rest between customers, they were lining up behind our doors. I couldn't see either my sister or Vanessa from my display but judging by the moans and lewd remarks coming through the walls, they were kept very busy as well! 

We had a blast! The store owner came to close down the booths and I couldn't believe it was closing time already. 11pm came around quick! 

We stepped out of our booths and I got to see my sister and Vanessa, just dripping and soaked in multiple random customers' cum, just like I was and smiling from ear to ear. We got cleaned up and the owner gave us our cuts "I had no idea you girls would of worked for such low rates" He laughed. I stood there counting the bills and looked up at him with a smirk "Hell! We would of done THAT for free!" To which he laughed.

However Joey remarked with seriousness "Seriously though, she's kinda right! We still didn't do badly, we were damn busy! Our 50% cut is still not to be sniffed at! " The owner laughed and replied "True, because of you girls were had more customers than a usual day, which is kind of the point." 

Joey nodded and smiled "Glad we could help, would hate to see local business struggle." She smirked "But seriously, don't ever think we wont work for such low low prices, Wendy is right, no promotion is below us. We do this for more than money but being paid for it just adds to the arousal, ya know?" She looked around at us and we nodded and smiled in agreement.

"Treat us like cum hungry sluts because THAT is all we are!" Vanessa chimed in, enthusiastically. 

"Noted.. " Said the store owner before reaching out to grope and molest one of my rounded tits. I think he was testing what Vanessa had said, to see what my reaction to being openly molested was. I just looked up quickly from counting my earnings for a split second, before smiling, pushing out my chest a little and looking back as the stack of green in my palm. 

"Great!" He said "Thanks for a hard days work girls. I have an idea for more work and now I know a little bit more about your 'arrangement' I think it will be right up your alley! Let me work out the details first and then I'll contact you directly"

We left the store and the owner locked the door behind us. I was still counting my bills when Joey snatched them out of my hands "Hey!!!!" I snapped.

Joey grinned as waved my stack around "Don't forget girls, 25% of this has to go to our agent for finding us this job!" 

Vanessa bit her lip and my jaw dropped "Wait so...." I started, trying to work out the calculations but I was NEVER any good at math.

"That's right! ten bucks a fuck... 50% to the store owner, 25% of what's left to our agent, which means, we got paid $3.75 for every cock we took today!" 

Vanessa gasped and looked at both of us "Fuck! You really ARE cheap Whores huh?" Joey and Vanessa laughed "But wait, you also only got paid..oooooh!" Yeh I wasn't the quickest to 'get' Vanessa's jokes. 

We wandered back to the car with our bellies churning full of random jizz, a skip in our step and laughing and smiling all the way home. What.. A.. Day! 

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Joey - Earth 2, Part 3 - The Sauna

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