Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Vanessa: Slut on a Train

 Vanessa: Hey Sexies! I know I haven't featured as much on Joey and Wendy's sexy blog as I should have but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy living the 'Slut Life'. I have been put to good use. I did do a few shifts in a whore house with the sisters, which was a lot of fun and kept me very busy! However, we all know that a true Slut just can't help showing herself off in public, showing the world just how slutty she is and that is what what I have been doing. 

Take this particular example; A busy commuter train needed a little entertainment. After all, the morning commute can always be a little dull right? I made sure to pick a very crowded train that day and stripped off, offering myself to the guys on the train. They did not disappoint! They crowded around me and took their turns fucking me! You can see me here, having just had one commuter blast my insides with his thick, sticky cum and I'm looking for the next eager commuter. "Who's next? Who else wants to inject a little fun into their morning commute?" 

They ran a train on me, while on a train: The train on a train! *laughs*

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Joey - Earth 2, Part 3 - The Sauna

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