Sunday, July 2, 2023

Joey & Wendy: The Whore House

 The three of us, Myself, My sister Wendy and our slutty friend Vanessa volunteered ourselves for work in a ghetto whorehouse. The owner was all to happy to put us girls to work and explained that we were going to be very busy! Just the way we like it! 

We signed into our respective rooms and waited for our first 'Johns' and it didn't take long! 

The whore house was indeed very popular, all sorts of rough looking, tough guys wandered in looking for company and we were all to happy to give it to them, half an hour at a time, of course. One client would finish with us, zip up his fly and leave, only for another to come strolling up the dank corridor looking to rent. 

POV: Vanessa is busy with her latest client and by the loud sounds of moans and thumping of the bed on the wall, he's really putting her through her paces and she's loving every second of it.  Wendy, still with a trickle of the last 'John's' cum dribbling down her thigh, is negotiating her next client. A rough, strong looking older guy. By the looks of it, he'll be getting his money's worth and pounding my little slutty bimbo blond sister into next week... Good for her. As for me, Just said good bye to my last client and counted his dirty bills and now I'm stood outside my room door, enticing the next eager client walking up the stairs with my trademark, sultry side smile and a 'come hither' gesture. 

How much would you pay to ride one of us? :p

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Joey - Earth 2, Part 3 - The Sauna

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