Sunday, April 24, 2022

Joey: The Bus Shelter

 I was on my way home and just hopped off the bus when I noticed a Black Bull slouched in the bus shelter. He watched me get off the bus and I did enjoy how he watched me step off and start off on my way. His lecherous gaze was quite the turn on. I turned slightly as I passed and gave him a coy smile. I didn't take but two steps more before he sat up and called to me "Hey, girl!" in his deep masculine tone. I stopped and turned towards him with my trademarked sultry smile "Yes?" I purred. "Dat a Queen o' Spades I see ya sporting?" my smile grew as I nodded. It seemed he knew what a Queen of Spades was. He smirked and gestured for me to come closer "Then ya best slip outta dat dress for me." It seemed he knew exactly what the Tattoo meant. He knew that I just couldn't turn down a Black Bull and he was free to take advantage of me as he saw fit and I couldn't deny him! "Here?" I asked with an excited tone. "Yeh gurl, don't wanna miss my bus."  The thought of pleasuring this strange black bull in the bus shelter suddenly got me very excited, so I slipped out of my tiny dress and proudly sauntered over to him. He tapped his lap as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his large black, hard cock "Slide yerself down on this sweetheart!" He grinned "Face the bus, let everyone see how a good queen takes a big black dick." Without hesitation, I straddled his lap and guided his long fat cock into me and slid myself down on the black stranger's shaft, pushing him deep inside of me. It felt so hot to be instructed to fuck this unknown bull right in the middle of the bus shelter. I bounced up and down on his huge prick while the busses kept pulling up and dropping people off. Their look of amazement, shock and even disgust just turned me on even more as I moaned loudly. Some even took pictures of me on their cell phones as they watched. I bounced hard on his cock until I felt him swell inside me and groan as he shot his warm, sticky load deep inside me just as the number 10 bus showed up. He peered out from behind me and slapped my ass "Get off gurl, Dats my bus!" He pulled me off of him, jizz dribbling from my well used little pussy and he tucked himself away before hopping on the bus without so much as a backward glance. Leaving me with sticky thighs as I hurriedly eased back into my dress. I was late home that night but I arrived through my front door with a wide, satisfied smile. 

Picture was taken in the city of La Cuna:

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