Sunday, April 24, 2022

Wendy: Tavern Shift

 I love working my shift at the Tavern. Always a bunch of interesting characters visit and last night was no different! A group of huge orcs came wandering in, seems like they were celebrating a successful raid or something. Anyway, I happily served them their ale, large tankards of strong ale. They were certainly thirsty and kept me busy refilling their tankards but they were also quite 'handsy', groping me and teasing me with lewd comments. I love that kind of attention and was more than happy to tease them back. However, our teasing soon took another turn. As I was serving their fifth round of strong ale and one of the orcs stood behind me as I was putting a tankard down on the table. His huge hand grabbed me and bent me over the tavern table and then I felt a huge orc cock push into me with a loud roaring grunt. I mean I was kind of expecting this to happen at some point in the evening, it always does, and is always so much fun! But he never even gave me any warning, just grabbed me and thrust that huge cock inside me with a forceful shove!  I was a little taken aback but more than happy to entertain the huge orc as best I could. The group then got a little more rowdy, all wanting their turn on me and that was it for the rest of my shift. I spent all night being passed around from one Orc to the other while also trying to keep them refreshed with ale. It was a little bit of a struggle when the huge Orc leader took his first turn but then, I am always up for a challenge! Those big boys kept me busy all night and into the early morning, Till they passed out drunk and spent and left me with orc cum pouring out of me, weak kneed and a beaming, satisfied smile on my face. I'll rest up for the rest of the day but I'll be looking forward to tonight's shift. Who knows what kind of creatures will come in tonight looking for entertainment. 

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Wendy: Breeding The Bimbo

 Wendy: Hi guys!  I got the opportunity to work with Ghost and it was a LOT of fun!  Check out some of these pics!   But there is more! Chec...