Monday, April 25, 2022

Joey: Homeless BBC

 I was meeting with a photographer I hadn't worked with before. He was taking some glamor and promotional shots for me and my portfolio. As with many photographers, they chat with you while taking the pictures. Seeing as I knew how to act in front of the camera, it was a pretty relaxed photoshoot. Some nudes, solo play etc, nothing too strenuous. 

"So what do those Tattoos mean? The Q in the Spade." He asked me as he snapped "I seen a few girls sporting them." Of course he was a white phorographer so wasn't familiar with what it meant and I was happy to educate him. 

"Oh they signal to any black guy that I am willing and available for them to use." I said, matter of factly. 

He seemed a little taken aback, looking over his viewfinder at me. "How do you mean?"

I laughed and changed pose "It means if any Black Bull notices them he can fuck me without question. I'm, what they call, a 'Queen of Spades' Black men have an entitlement, a right to my body" 

He lowered his camera between snapping. "Like any Black guy can just, you know... fuck you? Like.. at any time? or Place?" 

I laughed and nodded "Yup, that's what it means, any time, any where, they are entitled to use me." 

He farrowed his brows "You wanna continue to take pictures or just going stare at me?" I laughed

"Oh sorry!" he said, lifting his camera back to his eye "So you are saying that any Black Guy can fuck you any time they please? Without introduction or foreplay or anything?"

I spread my thighs for the camera and lent back exposing myself for the lens, "That's exactly what I'm saying, you should watch some of my movies." I laughed, sliding a finger inside myself.

"So you are telling me ANY black guy can fuck you?" I couldn't help but just laugh as he grasped the concept "For example, if you were walking through a rough part of town, some ghetto thug could just.. grab you and 'use' you?" 

"Mhmmm" I nodded, rolling over onto all fours. 

He laughed as he thought he suddenly found a loop hole "Ok so what if, some dirty homeless black guy saw you and knew what those marks meant, you'd let HIM fuck you?" 

"It's not a question of 'letting' him. He has a right to me, as a QoS, I have no say in it. I have given my body, sexually, to any black guy who wants it." I explained.

He raised his brow as if he didn't believe me and shook his head. "This shoot is coming to an end, what say I take you down to the homeless area and see if we can't find a filthy black hobbo?" He laughed loudly as he checked his camera. 

"Sure!" I said calmly. "let me slip into something a little more.. tempting." I smirked. 

He spun around as he was putting his camera away "For real?!" 

"Of course, why not?" I replied, looking through my case for a suitable outfit. 

"Fine! I'll call that bluff. Throw on those stockings and your underbust corset, I'll drive ya down to carboard city" he smirked. 

I did just that and proudly waited for him to be ready. I don't think he could quite believe that I was going to go out in public in such and outfit, let alone to give myself to some homeless black guy. 

We drove down to the area in town that the homeless were often located and I eagerly got out of his car. "You sure you wanna do this? I mean.." He asked, as if giving me an out.

"Grab your camera and lets go, I'm going to show you what a Queen of Spades really is!" 

I proudly and seductively sauntered into carboard city with the photographer in tow. I got plenty of cat calls, filthy remarks and degrading comments but I was not phased, I thrived on that behaviour. We reached one particular carboard domicile and this filthy black guy crawled out of it to see what the fuss was about. I flashed him a sultry wink and he done a double take before noticing my tattoos. 

"Hey! Girl!" He commanded and then gestured for me to come closer. I turned towards him and smiled seductively but saying nothing. I could already smell him, he smelt like he hadn't bathed in months. He reached out and tapped my tattoo on my left breast as he grinned a toothless grin. The photographer stood with jaw dropped. "This yo boy?" The homeless guy asked, pointing at the photographer. I laughed and shook my head, waving it off dismissively. 

He nodded and gripped my hip, turning me around. Reaching down to slide off his 'rope belted' pants "Whatever, we don't get many Queens 'round 'ere!" I flashed the photographer a knowing wink and he watched in amazement before realising he had a camera in his hands and then lifted it to his eye, wanting to capture this moment. 

I felt the homeless bulls cock tip press against my expose, pale folds and, without any permission as he knew permission was already implied by my tattoos. He pushed forward and I felt that filthy huge back cock push into me. My jaw dropped and eyes closed as I moan with desire. Lifting my leg onto a nearby box, I bent over slightly so the bull could slide in even deeper. He grabbed me roughly and put my claim as a QoS to the test. A test I was more than happy to participate in. 

The photographer continued to take pictures, still in utter shock and amazement of what was happening but he continued to snap away even after the filthy bull pumped me full of his cum. 

On the way back to the studio, the photographer didn't say a whole lot "Something wrong?" I asked. 

He looked at me and smiled, shaking his head "No, not at all. I just had no idea. You were just roughly fucked by some smelly, dirty homeless black guy with a huge filthy black cock, in carboard city in front of a bunch of other homeless guys and a photographer, taking every inch of that huge, nameless cock and even received a pussy full of his cum and you are sat here as if nothing unusual just happened." 

I leant back into the seat, feeling the warm seed of the stranger churning inside me and I just smiled "I'm A Queen of Spades, to me, any many like me, that WAS nothing unusual. Just another day and another dick. And we are more than proud of who we are. I have nothing to be ashamed of."

We sat in silence all the way back to the studio as he contemplated what he just witnessed, I was just pleased I got a dick. 

We walked into the studio so I could change and head out "We REALLY, REALLY need to work together again!" The photographer grinned. 

I turned and winked at him "Have your people contact my people, we'll set a date." I smirked. 

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