Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Joey & Wendy: Goodbye Flickr!

 We have been posting on Flickr for some time now, Wendy even forgot about her own blog to focus fully on Flickr content. 

However, Flickr recently announced that, unless the account pays to go Pro, ALL mature and restricted level content will be removed by the 1st May 2022. 

This means we will not be posting anymore adult content on that platform and many others are also leaving for greener pastures. This move will have negative effects on many Second Life creators, from Adult content, pose makers and evening clothing creators. There will be fewer people on the platform so exposure will be reduced. This is a very unfortunate turn of evens for such a versatile platform.

We have decided to create this blog to now host all of our adult content. It's free and adult material is only behind a button that informs you the content may be sensitive. This means anyone, with or without a Google account can view our content and even post comments! This will hopefully greatly increase our exposure. 

Followers will still need a Google account but that is nothing new and easy to rectify, many people in SL have secondary Google accounts for their SL lives anyway. 

Our descriptive titles and stories will also be front and centre. Being avid roleplayers this is perfect for us. So please, settle in and make yourselves at home, enjoy our content and feel free to leave a comment should the urge arise. 

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Wendy: Breeding The Bimbo

 Wendy: Hi guys!  I got the opportunity to work with Ghost and it was a LOT of fun!  Check out some of these pics!   But there is more! Chec...