Sunday, April 24, 2022

Joey & Wendy: The Porn Shop

 My sister, Wendy and I decided to hop on down to the porn shop in La Cuna city. We heard the owner shoots porn in one of his back rooms and we wanted in! So we put on some of our most 'appealing' outfits and sauntered over. We did enjoy the looks we were getting from citizens as we made our way to the store.   I have to say, the store owner was very pleased to see us as we walked in. We offered ourselves up for any work that he may have, shoots or movies and he was very interested. Although he did suggest that he 'interview' us. So, we agreed and we each took turns in being 'interviewed' by the store owner. Once he was finished he suggested we come back later that afternoon as he had some work we may be interested in. He even offered us a shop assistant role, claiming his customers would be extremely happy to see us working in the store and that it could be a lot of fun. I already have a job but said I would be sure to pop in from time to time but my sister Wendy said she would seriously consider it. She always did have a way with the public. Hope you enjoy the picture and my little story. 

This picture was shot in La Cuna City :

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